This ticket is track conversation about deleting @flockfedora from Twitter.
At the time of writing this account has 23 follows. We have 120,000+ on @fedoral
The conference is focused on our community, not the world.
We should put messages about Fedora where they can be seen.
I suggest we delete this account and not have this overhead.
I will act to delete this account, barring objections, in 14 days.
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue assigned to bex
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue priority set to: None (was: awaiting triage)
+1 on deleting the account
Does Mindshare or the Fedora Council take responsibility for administration of Fedora social media accounts?
I suggest using the @fedora account for low-frequency, critical-importance Flock content, while using @fedoracommunity for high-frequency, lower-importance Flock content. Deleting the @flockfedora account makes sense.
At previous Flocks (2015/2016?), the @fedora account was used for live-tweeting sessions and activities, but the impact was low. There was too much content for it to be useful and a large portion of the Twitter followers have mixed motivations to follow the main Twitter account (i.e. it was not relevant content or it was a content overload for our follower base).
Alternatively, it would be nice to have stronger community engagement on our @fedoracommunity account since this account is explicitly oriented towards the "people" part of Fedora. The 2,030 followers on @fedoracommunity does not compare to the 120,000 followers on @fedora, but we reach a more specific target audience by using this account.
An idea I had was to use Flock as an opportunity to invite a few others to help out with the @fedoracommunity account starting the week of Flock. I see this as a benefit because it opens up social media as a contribution method on a lower-impact account and could potentially help us find more volunteers to build a more personal engagement strategy on @fedora.
I know this is not the ticket for this discussion, but I'm not sure where to take this idea and I am not comfortable leading this on my own since I am the only non-RH employee with admin access on the @fedoracommunity account. Where can I direct this feedback for wider discussion? Does Mindshare or the Fedora Council take responsibility for administration of Fedora social media accounts?
+1 too,
Thanks for the explanation, sounds like work for the marketing team. WDYT @x3mboy ?
@jflory7 for the @fedoracommunity discussion, the Marketing and Join SIGs seem like a good place to consider redirecting this. As it is cross-cutting, lets open a new ticket here. Can you do that?
Regarding the Flock social media handle, it is a slightly grey area, but I will take the results after a week here for confirmation to the Council.
@bex I opened two tickets:
Based on the feedback by email and here, I am going to leave the account dormant. I think a pinned tweet about see @fedora for project information is a good end state.
What do you all think?
A pinned tweet redirecting to main accounts makes sense. I also suggest working with @puiterwijk to secure the Twitter account password once this is done.
While I am happy to work with @puiterwijk we have this particular password stored in an different vault than he manages.
Any other opinions?
+1 to the pinned tweet and keep the account dormant. Deleting it will make it available to take for a 3rd party.
+1 to the pinned tweet and keep the account dormant.
Account updated.
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue close_status updated to: Complete - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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