#218 Fedora's Community Outreach - Proposal - RE: Fedora Ambassadors
Closed: Complete 4 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 4 years ago by riecatnor.

Fedora Ambassador Program Revamp Proposal

Summary (TL;DR)

I've prepared this proposal as a result of many public discussions around the state of the Fedora Ambassador Program. After hearing you loud and clear, I have attempted to create a new structure that includes ALL the roles that previously existed, without removing any. The proposal includes a plan on how to get us from where we are currently to where and what we could be. I have attempted at every turn to simplify, and to make use of what we already have in place.

The main change the proposal makes is that CommOps will be reinvigorated as an umbrella organization for Join, Advocates, Ambassadors, and Ambassadors Emeritus. These groups are all focused on Community Outreach, and as we all know, the overlaps can be frustrating. The refreshed CommOps Team will encompass all of these groups to ensure we are working together in a smart and efficient way moving forward.

Change is hard. Let’s take all the energy we have over the frustration and point it at this evolution. Let’s embrace that we are a community that welcomes change and we are able to overcome the growing pains. I have put a lot of my own energy into this proposal, and had a couple folks give some bits of first feedback so I don’t eat dirt after publishing it. Please read it with an open mind, and hopefully you will be as excited as I am about the future!

All my best,


Background Information

Historically, the Fedora Ambassadors program has been very successful. Other initiatives have even modeled their own programs on it. As the program has grown, however, a variety of issues have cropped up. These issues have caused participation in the Ambassador program to decrease. As a result, the Ambassador team has felt disheartened, unappreciated, and discouraged. While several groups and individuals continue representing Fedora locally, many do not participate in the Ambassadors program specifically. Beyond the history of Ambassadors, Covid-19 is changing how the world works and we want to embrace and potentially lead on what digital advocacy will look like moving forward.

What is the goal of the Fedora Ambassadors program?

The goal of the Fedora Ambassadors program is to promote Fedora through community-driven education and outreach. The program should empower community advocates to connect with users in their localities, teach them about Fedora's principles, and help them understand the benefits of using free and open source software (FOSS). Ambassadors help to grow the community of Fedora contributors, talk about the Fedora Four Foundations, and demonstrate FOSS technologies to the public.

How is the program not fulfilling its goal?

The program has lost momentum in recent years. Some Ambassadors are active, but have no easy way to report their activity. Some of the most effective ways to promote Fedora locally today are different from the traditional practices of the Fedora ambassadors program. We propose evolving the activities we use for grass roots promotion of Fedora, and the ways in which we engage people at a local level to empower and enable them to promote Fedora effectively.

How much work does operating the Ambassadors program take?

Because visible program activity is currently minimal, maintaining the program does not require much work. Updates to the program may require new levels of investment.

Why make a change?

We want the Fedora community's most enthusiastic contributors to feel empowered to represent the Fedora project in their local communities and online, proactively recruit new members to the Fedora project, and enjoy a sense of camaraderie with similarly enthusiastic contributors. We hope to reinvigorate the program in a modern way and inspire new forms of ambassadorship in the larger FOSS community.


Plan of Action

Gather Community Input - owned by FCAIC
- Publish the proposal on June 3rd in a Mindshare Ticket and then send it out to various mailing lists. Gather community feedback over the period of two weeks until June 17th. Make adjustments to the plan for a week and shoot for a start day of work for the new program on June 24th.

Organize a Temporary Task Force - owned by FAmSco
- Organize a temporary task force with motivated individuals who will have time to commit to this effort in the next 6 months to a year. These individuals should have a shared vision for the future and an excitement to revitalize.
- Ideally the team would be made of 6-10 folks, including at least one from each region(NA, LATAM, EMEA, APAC). FAmSCo should propose a way they feel is best to choose this team, and with community input, implement that process.

Update and Finalize CommOps Structure - owned by Task Force
- Identify active and inactive Ambassadors by following the process outlined below. Clean up membership by moving inactive members to Ambassador Emeritus so we have an understanding of the state of Ambassadors currently.
- Create role handbooks for each title within CommOps. These should be easy to update for future years.
- Update, formalize, and document process for the 3 seats on the Mindshare Committee.

Survey and Organize Findings - owned by Diversity & Inclusion
- Do a call to “Fedora Ambassadors/CommOps/Advocates/Join, past, present, and future” and organize a survey for those folks to complete. The focus of the survey should be on finding “bright spots” (what is working for people?) gathering ideas, trends, areas of focus, and directions current members want to go. It should avoid rehashing “what went wrong”, we know that already!
- What attracted you to become an Ambassadors/CommOps/Advocates/Join?
- What are your current Ambassadors/CommOps/Advocates/Join responsibilities?
- How many events did you attend this year and talk/discuss about Fedora?
- What is the process you are using to complete these?
- What would you like to be doing as an Ambassadors/CommOps/Advocates/Join?
- What lessons do you think we need to learn from the evolution of the Ambassadors/CommOps/Advocates/Join programs?
- What functions do you think are outdated?
- What do you see other organizations doing that you think works well?
- What kind of things do you want to see CommOps focusing on?
- What could you be doing even more of if you had the resources?
- What has kept you from joining Ambassadors/CommOps/Join SIG?

Research Interviews - owned by CommOps
- Develop interview questions and conduct research interviews with teams/active members of each Mindshare team and document their current responsibilities as well as any goals/ideas they may have for the future. Ensure there is one point of reference online for each team.

Branding & Design - owned by Design Team
- Shape a brand identity for the new CommOps teams and its vision. Consult and strategize on where design efforts should be directed in 2020.
- Create a set of logos for the new community outreach program. These logos should be modern and representative of community outreach in some way.
- Assist in creating various assets once copy has been solidified. These assets would ideally align with the new logo and help build an identity for the CommOps team.

Consultants/Editors/Content - owned by Join
- Assist in pointing to, editing, and creating various pieces of content needed to complete this change. Items such as: survey, points of reference for Mindshare teams, rollout plan, etc. Ensure we aren’t reinventing the wheel with docs.

Marketing/Rollout plan - owned by Mindshare Committee & Marketing Team
- Assist in creating an angle for the new program and create a strategy for a successful rollout. We need to hype this up for the entirety of the Fedora community. There could be folks who have always wanted to join, and now would be a great opportunity to catch them. Once things get rolling it would be great to broaden visibility to the greater FOSS community.
- Assist design team with branding project.

Translations - owned by Translation Team
- Review the plan to ensure the English text is understandable by non-native speakers, and give feedback on any potential cultural issues surrounding translation.
- Translate plan into key languages to ensure the change is communicated and available to a broad audience to get involved. Translations will be needed for the Mindshare teams description of roles and responsibilities as well.

Blog Posts - owned by all teams
- Monthly updates come from the Task Force. The other teams involved should provide updates when they are in process with their work.
- Need to create an email template so that updates are easy for anyone to complete.

Video Posts - owned by FCAIC & potentially more folks
- A video (or series of videos) describing the situation and the new plan at a high level. Acknowledgement of feelings, inspirational words, and charge up for the change. Helping to put a face on the change that speaks directly to the community.

Fedora CommOps

The CommOps Team

The Fedora community consists of members from a wide variety of backgrounds, people from any number of different domains who possess varying levels of experience and technical proficiencies. We need to be aligned with how technology, rights, equality, diversity and freedom advocacy is being undertaken across projects and communities. Fedora CommOps will be an umbrella organization to unite our community outreach efforts. Fedora Join, Advocates, Ambassadors, Ambassador Emeritus will all fall under the umbrella.


The Fedora CommOps pledge is at the heart of creating this change successfully. These ideas are meant to be revisited to keep what we all care so much about at the forefront of our mind: the health and success of the Fedora Project and it’s community.

Fedora CommOps Team Members:
- Can recognize when something isn’t working and want to change it
- Are willing to grow and try new things
- Believe they are in control of their own ability, and can learn and improve
- Are excited to learn new skills
- Take action
- Encourage their teammates and try to understand their ideas
- Understand that failure is an expected part of change and are willing to adjust
- Acknowledge that change is difficult, and there will be pain points to iron out as the plan is executed


These are the main structural changes this proposal outlines.

Join SIG -> Join SIG changes to Join to improve branding
- Join SIG should approve this
Advocates -> Moves under the CommOps umbrella
Ambassadors -> Moves under the CommOps umbrella
Ambassadors Emeritus -> Moves under the CommOps umbrella
Ambassador seat on Mindshare (1) -> Moves to a Join seat


This is what the new structure would look like under this proposal.

- Will function as usual with attendance at CommOps meetings to incorporate their expertise and current responsibilities to avoid overlap.
- Receive a Fedora Badge.

- Will function as usual with attendance at CommOps meetings as needed.
- Receive a Fedora Badge.

- Will function with new defined responsibilities (below) with attendance at CommOps meetings.
- Will receive a Fedora Badge.

Ambassadors Emeritus
- Will exist with our utmost respect and honor for their time and contributions.
- Receive a Fedora Badge.
- Receive a (what should this be?) as a token of Fedora’s appreciation.

Representatives to Mindshare Committee
- One Ambassador seat.
- One CommOps seat.
- One Join seat.

Two meetings a month scheduled for time zone efficiency that ALL roles within CommOps attend.
- Times to be decided.

Shared Responsibilities

These tasks are things that all roles within the CommOps team should exercise as it seems fit.

- Act as a conduit for interested people to become involved in the Fedora Community
- Recruit new contributors
- Promote Fedora and cross-community interaction
- Mentor and foster current Fedora contributors
- Communicate and represent Fedora within local spheres of influence
- Write blog posts specific to the goals of CommOps
- Write blog posts highlighting the accomplishments of CommOps
- Enjoy working with others who are passionate about community outreach
- Promote Fedora online and increase presence on online forums


Fedora Join aims to set up and maintain channels that let prospective contributors engage with the community. The idea here is to enable people looking to join the Fedora community to converse with existing members, make friends, find mentors, and get a feeling of what and how the community does in general, with a view to reducing the learning curve that joining a new community entails - and make it more enjoyable!

Roles and responsibility
- Set up a communication channel between the existing contributors and prospective contributors. Speaking to current team members is always encouraging. We could even set up a system to send "easyfix" tasks to this mailing list giving folks a chance to work on them and learn in the process.
- Guide/aid prospective contributors to turn into solid contributors. Rather than just pointing them to join.fedoraproject.org, talk to them, see what issues they face, help them decide where they want to get started.
- To form better mentor-mentee relationships. Here, we mean "mentor" in the real sense of the word.

As a member of Join, you should :
- Be active on tickets on average of once monthly
- Attend CommOps meetings
- Be subscribed to the Join, CommOps, Mindshare, and Council mailing lists


Advocates are people who organize or help organize small events. You do not need to be an advocate previously to do these tasks, you receive the status after completing your work on an event. These are community members who want help with community outreach efforts with low commitment tasks. They are users of Fedora and are usually involved in one other aspect of the project.

Roles and responsibility
Hold calendar events like release parties, Fedora women’s day
Promote Fedora technology at local user groups with talks etc.
Attend conferences to present work being done with Fedora

As an advocate, you can:
- Organize virtual social hours
- Request budget for small events from Mindshare
- Request swag for events from Mindshare
- Request assistance from an Ambassador
- Apply to become an Ambassador
- Collect local knowledge from Fedora communities to inform and inspire CommOp’s strategy, activities and priorities.

As an advocate, it is suggested that you:
- Attend CommOps meetings in your timezone
- Attend (or watch the recordings of) Fedora Council Video meetings
- Subscribe to Ambassadors and Mindshare mailing lists


Ambassadors are people who can organize medium and large events. These are people with experience in the community and often a contributor in another part of the Fedora Project. Ambassadors also have experience with organizing and coordination of events as well as a broad knowledge of the entirety of the Fedora Project.

Roles and responsibility
- Understand what the teams within Fedora do and be able to explain their functions
- Assist Advocates with their endeavors
- Mentor new Ambassadors
- Go to digital events representing Fedora
- Represent Fedora to outside organizations
- Promote specific items (initiatives, products, events) to the local Fedora users and outside groups.
- Consider themselves champions of open values and principles and care about the ways those values can help create better organizational experiences for everyone.
- Develop Fedora communities in their local regions and support local FLOSS communities to have an effective and decentralized environment for contribution.
- Create opportunities with adjacent communities to spread Fedora’s mission and expand Fedora's outreach in the open source ecosystem.

As an Ambassador you can:
- Request event budget from Mindshare Committee
- Propose event/conference sponsorships to Mindshare Committee
- Request swag for events from Mindshare Committee
- Reach out to other Ambassadors/mindshare in need of help
- Help shape the focus of community outreach for the Fedora Project
- Receive a Fedora Badge
- Receive an Ambassador Polo with the new logo

As an Ambassador, it is suggested that you:
- Attend CommOps meetings in your timezone
- Attend Fedora Council Video meetings
- Subscribe to Council, Devel-announce, Ambassadors and Mindshare mailing lists

How to Apply

To apply to become an Ambassador open a Ambassador Application ticket on CommOps pagure. Generally, it is advised that you have been involved with the Fedora community for at least a year to get a feel and understanding for our culture. During that time your participation can be in any part of the Fedora Project, we welcome diverse backgrounds.

- Open an Ambassador Application ticket
- Be paired with a sponsor/mentor
- Attend CommOps meetings X amount of times within the span of X time
- Triage/comment on X number of open CommOps tickets within the span of X time
- Work with your sponsor/mentor to ensure you have the proper knowledge
- Once your sponsor/mentor gives approval, graduate to ambassador!

Ambassador Emeritus

Ambassadors Emeritus are people who held ambassador's positions for at least one full year and leave the Ambassador role in good standing. The Emeritus title is to publicly recognize them as a former Ambassador and to thank them for contributing to the Fedora Project. These can also be ambassadors who want to take a step back from the ambassador's responsibility for a while to focus on their personal lives, work or to avoid burnout.

There are two ways to enter Ambassador Emeritus group:
- Inactive(see below) ambassadors will be contacted to ask if they want to continue being an Ambassador. If we do not receive a response, we will add them to the Emeritus group after a month.
- Create a ticket in CommOps pagure with Emeritus template and fill out a survey so we can improve the Ambassador experience. Once complete we will move your membership to Ambassador Emeritus and award you a badge for all the great work!

Roles and responsibility
Ambassadors Emeriti have no specific obligations. They are encouraged to participate in any of the above ways as time and interest permit.

Emeritus Ambassadors have a standing invitation to CommOps meetings.

How to get back?
Emeritus ambassadors can step back into the Ambassador role by opening a CommOps ticket with the Ambassador Join template.

What is “active”?

Sometimes we have inactive and unresponsive people who may be in the CommOps Team. In an order to maintain some understanding of the status of the group, we will routinely work to check in with folks who look as if they are inactive.

Run a script that measures fedmsg activity for 1 years.
- Participation on pagure tickets
- Packaging/QA/design/documentation/badges/websites repo etc tangible work (which can be tracked)
- Fedora meetings participation
- CommunityBlog/Fedora Magazine posts

(The group is populated against certain validation rules. If you have been mistakenly added, please open an issue at CommOps.)

How did we get here?

This is a list of issues surrounding Ambassadors that has been gleaned from ticket #145 in Mindshare, and the latest Ambassador mailing list thread. It has been included in this proposal to ensure Fedora Ambassadors and the community know they are being listened to and that their voices count. The proposal was written thoughtfully with these issues in mind.

Here are reasons why this isn’t happening already:
- The Ambassador title has different meanings for different people
- A shortage of mentors for newcomers, and some unresponsive mentors
- Old Ambassadors are becoming inactive at a faster rate than new Ambassadors are being added
- Fast changes in leadership
- Current Ambassadors feel unwanted, newcomers feel similarly
- Lack of defined responsibilities
- Lack of new purpose
- Burnout
- Grown, not scaled
- Tired of repetitive tasks
- No visibility
- No recognition
- No easy way to report event attendance
- No clear way to measure import of work
- Feeling like there are too many bodies of governance
- Frustration of how to receive swag
- Comparing uses of money, not feeling like money is being used well
- Reimbursement process too long and complicated
- Feel like unpaid Red Hat employees
- Feels hard to contribute
- Feels hard to get started
- Conflicting information about new Mindshare processes and old Ambassador processes
- Not enough user facing information about how to get involved with Ambassadors, or any of the other teams within Fedora
- The “Fedora Ambassador” identity has fragmented with the advent of the Mindshare Committee
Personal differences between individuals have caused some ambassadors to leave, and some local communities to stagnate
- No clear guidance from Fedora leadership, no guidance on what to say or do at events
- Outdated ideas of how to promote Fedora
- The Fedora Ambassadors lost financial autonomy and did not adopt the new process
- The technology world has evolved, and the way people learn about technology locally has evolved away from focused meet-ups and booths at local LUG events

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue priority set to: next meeting (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: ambassadors, commops, help wanted, needs feedback

4 years ago

Ambassadors are people who can organize medium and large events. These are people with experience in the community and often a contributor in another part of the Fedora Project. Ambassadors also have experience with organizing and coordination of events as well as a broad knowledge of the entirety of the Fedora Project.

Roles and responsibility
- Understand what the teams within Fedora do and be able to explain their functions
- Assist Advocates with their endeavors
- Mentor new Ambassadors
- Go to digital events representing Fedora
- Represent Fedora to outside organizations
- Promote specific items (initiatives, products, events) to the local Fedora users and outside groups.
- Consider themselves champions of open values and principles and care about the ways those values can help create better organizational experiences for everyone.
- Develop Fedora communities in their local regions and support local FLOSS communities to have an effective and decentralized environment for contribution.
- Create opportunities with adjacent communities to spread Fedora’s mission and expand Fedora's outreach in the open source ecosystem.

As an Ambassador you can:
- Request event budget from Mindshare Committee
- Propose event/conference sponsorships to Mindshare Committee
- Request swag for events from Mindshare Committee
- Reach out to other Ambassadors/mindshare in need of help
- Help shape the focus of community outreach for the Fedora Project
- Receive a Fedora Badge
- Receive an Ambassador Polo with the new logo

As an Ambassador, it is suggested that you:
- Attend CommOps meetings in your timezone
- Attend Fedora Council Video meetings
- Subscribe to Council, Devel-announce, Ambassadors and Mindshare mailing lists

How to Apply
To apply to become an Ambassador open a Ambassador Application ticket on CommOps pagure. Generally, it is advised that you have been involved with the Fedora community for at least a year to get a feel and understanding for our culture. During that time your participation can be in any part of the Fedora Project, we welcome diverse backgrounds.

- Open an Ambassador Application ticket
- Be paired with a sponsor/mentor
- Attend CommOps meetings X amount of times within the span of X time
- Triage/comment on X number of open CommOps tickets within the span of X time
- Work with your sponsor/mentor to ensure you have the proper knowledge
- Once your sponsor/mentor gives approval, graduate to ambassador!

@zodiacfireworks Look!

We discussed the proposal in the Mindshare Committee Meeting today. Here are a couple points/thoughts from the meeting.

  • Some back and forth over 3 seats on Mindshare and who they should go to. Mindshare seems +1 to having all 3.
  • Open a ticket on Join pagure to ask them if they want a seat?
  • The plan generally needs a timeline.
  • Each action that is owned by a team should also have it's own timeline.

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue untagged with: ambassadors, commops, help wanted, needs feedback
- Issue priority set to: awaiting triage (was: next meeting)

4 years ago

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue tagged with: ambassadors, commops, help wanted, mindshare

4 years ago

We discussed the proposal in the Mindshare Committee Meeting today. Here are a couple points/thoughts from the meeting.

Some back and forth over 3 seats on Mindshare and who they should go to. Mindshare seems +1 to having all 3.
Open a ticket on Join pagure to ask them if they want a seat?
The plan generally needs a timeline.
Each action that is owned by a team should also have it's own timeline.

+1 to the whole proposal after tackling ^

Metadata Update from @sumantrom:
- Issue untagged with: ambassadors, commops, help wanted, mindshare

4 years ago

Metadata Update from @nb:
- Issue tagged with: ambassadors, commops, help wanted, mindshare

4 years ago

+1 for the general plan, Still we need to talk with the join sig about the seat (so +0 for the join seat)

Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja:
- Issue untagged with: ambassadors, commops, help wanted, mindshare
- Issue priority set to: next meeting (was: awaiting triage)

4 years ago

Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja:
- Issue tagged with: ambassadors, commops

4 years ago

Hiya, my thoughts on Join SIG related bits in the proposal currently:

  • renaming the SIG: sure, I don't see what difference this makes. We would like to remain the "Fedora Join SIG" because that lets us say "come speak to the Fedora Join SIG": the "SIG" part stresses on the fact that we're a bunch of people. "Come speak to Fedora Join" doesn't have the same stress on the people aspect of it.

  • To form better mentor-mentee relationships. Here, we mean "mentor" in the real sense of the word: a strong -1 to this. We don't even currently have a definition of what a mentor in the real sense of the word is. We explicitly discourage 1-1 relationships. The whole idea of the Welcome-to-fedora system is that anyone from the community can interact with newcomers and vice versa: it's a 1-many relationship by design. This lets the newcomer interact with a diverse set of community members.

As a member of Join, you should :
- Be active on tickets on average of once monthly
- Attend CommOps meetings
- Be subscribed to the Join, CommOps, Mindshare, and Council mailing lists

Uhm, I'm not sure about this either. The join sig is composed of people that work in different aspects of Fedora: technical and non-technical. We don't need everyone in the team to be aware of everything that goes on. Instead, the idea is that we each cover our bits and together cover as much of the project as we can. I.e., the union of our knowledge covers the project, but that does not need us individually to cover so much ground.

Both commops and mindshare are meant to be decision making bodies (in my understanding). For that reason itself, we don't think the Join SIG needs a seat on either. There needs to be communication between the Join SIG and commops/mindshare, and we will make sure that happens: mostly because we'll have representatives from people that work in the different teams that are covered by them in the Join SIG.

In short, the Join SIG is not really a team that has a specific task. We're designed to be a group of community members who hang out and speak to newcomers and help them along their paths. We only have the docs and the ticket tracker because we need a minimum amount of structure to do this. We do not want to add any necessary requirements for "membership" to the Join SIG---membership here means nothing at all. We want any/all community members who have the time to hang out and speak to newbies. That's all. Adding requirements/meetings/formalism and other tasks here will discourage community members from hanging out in the channels.

@ankursinha re: the name for Join SIG, you could graduate to Join Team if you'd like. Like the Design Team, etc.

@ankursinha re: the name for Join SIG, you could graduate to Join Team if you'd like. Like the Design Team, etc.

Sure, that works. :)

+1 awesome work riecatnor!! !

First I read:

Join SIG -> Join SIG changes to Join to improve branding
Join SIG should approve this
Advocates -> Moves under the CommOps umbrella
Ambassadors -> Moves under the CommOps umbrella
Ambassadors Emeritus -> Moves under the CommOps umbrella
Ambassador seat on Mindshare (1) -> Moves to a Join seat

then I see:

Representatives to Mindshare Committee
- One Ambassador seat.
- One CommOps seat.
- One Join seat.

A bit confusing seeing that the Ambassadors go under the umbrella of CommOps.

big proposal, big changes a new air come from, we need commiments

+1 , let's see what is join sig reaction


A bit confusing seeing that the Ambassadors go under the umbrella of CommOps.

I think Ambassador program (that is essentially an outreach initiative) fits perfectly under community operations umbrella :)

In short, the Join SIG is not really a team that has a specific task. We're designed to be a group of community members who hang out and speak to newcomers and help them along their paths. We only have the docs and the ticket tracker because we need a minimum amount of structure to do this. We do not want to add any necessary requirements for "membership" to the Join SIG---membership here means nothing at all. We want any/all community members who have the time to hang out and speak to newbies. That's all. Adding requirements/meetings/formalism and other tasks here will discourage community members from hanging out in the channels.

I agree with @ankursinha here, In my perspective, On the other hand as Fedora Join SiG is an essential part of the Fedora Ecosystem to help onboard newcomers and having someone from the team on Mindshare or CommOps could be a good idea.

I would like to propose this:

On Join, There needs to be atleast one member of the Mindshare & the CommOps team as an official/unoffical representative to help newcomers with Community related stuff & by that way, they would have the close perspective about the Join SiG and can represent it in their own groups.

What do others think?

the part of a problem can never be the solution. One of the big problems is that you want to rule a group which counts itself as a beginner team so entry level over a group where experience is required. And this is in large shares the problem

Get CommOps to that what it was once thought for, not what someone made out of it.

I like the fact translation community is involved into this, thank you for your work and this attention. As I'm not experience in ambassador activites, so I'll only comment how to reach translation related actions.

Translations - owned by Translation Team
- Review the plan to ensure the English text is understandable by non-native speakers, and give feedback on any potential cultural issues surrounding translation.

To reach this objective, just send it to trans@lists.fedoraproject.org to ask one or two people to review it. It should be fast.

Translations - owned by Translation Team
- Translate plan into key languages to ensure the change is communicated and available to a broad audience to get involved. Translations will be needed for the Mindshare teams description of roles and responsibilities as well.

To reach this objective, just publish the plan anywhere you want on fedora docs system. Then it should automatically propagate to https://translate.fedoraproject.org
you should be able to guess where the content will appear, so you can invite translators to translate it. Sharing a direct link increases your success rate ;)
I suggest to not use "key" language unless Fedora project defines the concept. All languages have the same value, and you will already get a significant amount of languages without listing what you want.

Huge effort @riecatnor please take a bow. Very well done.
Proposal looks promising +1

Diversity team will be happy to work on the survey.


I will have to agree with everyone above and say that this proposal looks great! It is obvious that there is a lot of work and research that has been conducted behind this. Congrats to Marie and everyone else who is giving their feedback on this. Providing feedback is a crucial element for every new initiative

Other than restructuring how the current teams work and will work in the future, I love the idea that there will be a “wall of honour” for people who are no longer involved with Fedora. Another element that I find very useful is the clear definition of different teams and roles. As one of the most “silent” in online discussions community members, I can say that understanding the difference between “unresponsive” and “active” helps a lot building the right expectations for the community members. Following the long email thread on the Ambassadors’ ML from the past weeks, I hope this will help resolve any misunderstandings :)


Hey folks!

Thanks for all the feedback, it is valued. I am glad to see all the positive commentary, and the critiques highlight things I did not know or think about. I would like to address a couple major concerns generally, and then note the specific revisions I made.

The inclusion of Join SIG in this community outreach revamp is an effort to bring together folks who are doing the same thing. Some of the complaints/gripes we often hear is "it's confusing to know whose doing what" and "there are too many different places to find info, I don't know what is up to date". To me it doesn't make sense to have these four groups doing the same tasks with only slight differences in different spaces. After reading @ankursinha's response I feel I have a better understanding of the spirit of the Join SIG, and have made changes based on that response. I welcome feedback.

On the topic of Ambassadors under the CommOps umbrella. We have passionate folks in Join, CommOps, Ambassadors, and Advocates. Most of those teams have dwindled or aren't functioning. There is low participation in CommOps and Ambassadors afaik. Because of all the overlap, in both people interested and responsibilities, I hope that bringing all these folks together will give this revamp and Fedora's community outreach a solid chance at revival. @twohot I hope that helps. Feedback welcome :)

As for groups ruling over one another- this is not meant to be that whatsoever. I am curious if other people have this impression from the proposal? I attempted to gather the teams together (time/resources/efforts) and make sense of whose doing what. CommOps is not meant to rule over any other group, it should be a pool. @gnokii, can you identify what about the plan is giving you that impression?
(That being said, I think this does raise the point of a team lead, someone to run meetings and help move things along.)

I have put it up on a wiki page so that folks can get at it themselves with edits.

Here is a summary of changes I made so far based on feedback:

  • Changed proposed name to "Join Team"
  • Join no longer owns any points in the "Plan of Action"
  • Join no longer has a seat on Mindshare Committee
  • Seats for Mindshare will stay the same
  • Removed "To form a better mentor-mentee relationship" from Join
  • Changed Join section to say:
    "Will function as usual. They are welcome to attend CommOps meetings if desired."

Please review the wiki with the updates, make changes, correct my typos :P etc


Hi Folks! We have reviewed this in the weekly Mindshare Committee meeting. We have all given +1 to the edited version on the wiki. The timeline will need to be edited based on the teams time availability in the last month. Otherwise, this is now closed for feedback. Thanks!

This is now under way! Thanks to all the input :) stay up to date here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Ambassadors_Revamp_2020 and on #fedora-ambassadors

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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