#226 Fedora Community Outreach Task Force - Leads
Closed: Complete 4 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 4 years ago by riecatnor.

Creating this ticket to track progress on appointing lead(s) to a temporary Community Outreach Task Force to implement Fedora Ambassadors/Commops revamp, found here:


This was discussed in the Mindshare Committee meeting, and as that is an elected body, we have chosen to appoint leads for this initiative. The idea is to nominate a couple folks here, and for those people to provide a response if they have the availability and desire to work on such a task.

Related: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/227

@sumantrom the Mindshare Committee would like you to consider taking a leading or co-leading role in this initiative. Please share with us your thoughts. Thank you!

@marianab the Mindshare Committee would like you to consider taking a leading or co-leading role in this initiative. Please share with us your thoughts. Thank you!

@bee2502 the Mindshare Committee would like you to consider taking a leading or co-leading role in this initiative. Please share with us your thoughts. Thank you!

@alciregi the Mindshare Committee would like you to consider taking a leading or co-leading role in this initiative. Please share with us your thoughts. Thank you!

I have some bandwidth to take this responsibility.
As the plan of action reads[0], I would like to stick to that and will require support from folks who are mentioned in there.
I would also like to know, who is/are FAmSCO as mentioned in[0]
Is the about to be formed temporary body be called FAmSCo or is it coming back as a separate body?

@marianab the Mindshare Committee would like you to consider taking a leading or co-leading role in this initiative. Please share with us your thoughts. Thank you!

Hi everyone! Prior to reading this, I was about to sign up to the volunteer ticket 😋 Thanks for considering that I could co-lead this! I'd love to help!

As far as I understand even though this is going to be a temporary team, it will be created from scratch. Same as Sumantro has mentioned above, I will need the support from the rest of the team members.

@sumantrom, thanks for your response! As for the temporary task force, I made an edit for that on the wiki, as it will be Mindshare forming that on ticket #227.

@marianab, thanks for your response! That is absolutely the plan :)

Looking forward to hearing from @bee2502 and @alciregi as well with their thoughts.

@alciregi the Mindshare Committee would like you to consider taking a leading or co-leading role in this initiative. Please share with us your thoughts. Thank you!

Thank you for taking me into account, but no 😅 I'm not the right person to lead an effort like this.

Hi @alciregi, thank you for your response! We hope that you would like to participate as a volunteer in the effort if you have the capacity for that :)

Thanks for nominating me - but since there are 2 positive responses here already, I would like to contribute my limited time this year to other areas which have a greater need at the moment :) Good luck to this effort and the team!

@bee2502 thank you for your response! That is understandable. We greatly appreciate all of your efforts and work across Fedora :D

@sumantrom & @marianab, based on your feedback it seems like it would make sense for you two to co-lead this task force! Exciting!! Would you both be able to attend the upcoming Mindshare Committee meeting? (info below) If not, that is okay, just respond here and we can set up a better time.

Wednesdays at 17:30PM UTC in #fedora-mindshare. https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/mindshare/

I can attend the Mindshare meeting :)

Thanks again @marianab and @sumantrom - we are here to support this initiative, and we appreciate all you do!

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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