This ticket comes from fedora-diversity#125. Diversity team supported and agreed to @jflory7 's comment of continuing with existing diversity stickers with the addition of design#683.
Mindshare's approval is needed here as we take care of logistics around swag (sticker in this case or any other diversity related swag in future)
+1 I have been using stickerrobot to print. 2" square or circle at a quantity of 2000 is less than $500
+1 too
+1 with slight preference for the square variation... a rounded square if the printer can do it might be nice too (and shouldn't require artwork changes the corners can just be added bleed!)
So glad we are doing this!
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue assigned to riecatnor
4 +1's, no -1's, and we have waited two weeks. Let's go ahead and order these! I have assigned the ticket to myself and will advise with updates or ask any follow up questions if needed.
Hi Mindshare, these arrived at our fulfillment center and are good to send with shipments :) closing this ticket as complete.
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue close_status updated to: Complete - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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