#255 Destination Linux Network (DLN) ask for collaboration with The Fedora Project Podcast
Closed: Complete 3 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 3 years ago by x3mboy.

Podcast Collaboration

Fedora project podcast have been ask to be part of the Destination Linux Network fedora-podcast#14. The take away here is that we benefit from the audience the network have, and also we can take advantage of their marketing infrastructure (website and podcasts themselves).

They aren't asking us to do anything, but as I see it the takeaway for them is to have the podcast of a Distro backing them up as a source of news. I know they don't do it because of that, but it's a thing I see it like that.

@michaeltunnell is available to answer any question in the collaboration request (since he filled the ticket).

The purpose of this ticket is both to let you know, as the governing body of the non-technical part, and to resolve any question that can be ask to any, DLN and Marketing team, about how this collab would work.

I will have this for a week, waiting for comments and questions, and them I will move to the trademark request approval into the council.

CC: @computerkid is the shinny new co-host of the podcast.

Glad to hear that I'm shiny. XD

HI @x3mboy this seems like a great idea to me. I am curious-- what is the scope of the collaboration?

Until now, the agreement is just to mention that we are part of the network both on the episodes and on the website. They will publish the podcast on their site of shows and where they find it would be useful into the site. Maybe provide connections with people, back and forth.

Nothing else got discussed, but any other question can be directed to @michaeltunnell as he will be our link with DLN.

The part that concerns me as Mktg rep, is that we maintain control of the show in all aspects: creativity, direction, ownership and everything related to the Fedora trademark and the podcast management.

Right, I share the same concerns as @x3mboy.

I'd also like to make sure we don't somehow accidentally discourage other Linux podcast teams / networks from working with us. Or for that matter, to give the impression that we're teaming up in a way that compromises journalistic independence for other DLN podcasts and writing. I don't know if either of these are real risks, just some things I'm thinking about.

Hey all,

To address the concerns raised thus far, we offer all our shows complete journalistic independence with the only exception being related to our podcasts utilizing family friendly language. In fact, we encourage differences in opinion between the shows as demonstrated between DL and DLN Xtend, which often have very different takes on a various news items. We do not get involved with editorial decisions or approving any shows or content unless requested to do so.

In regards to other podcast teams / networks there are no rules saying anyone within our network can't go on other shows. In fact, many hosts have done guest spots on other podcasts in the past to promote their content. We do not place restrictions on community engagement though with that said, I'm sure you'd understand we wouldn't want another network broadcasting DLN associated shows on their network. 😀

Outside of the items above, if we are going to promote the show as a part of DLN and help to expand the audience through the network we would want to have cross-promotional marketing which can be as simple as a mention at opening ("this podcast is a part of Destination Linux Network") and mention of DLN on the podcast website.

It makes sense to me too. Thanks @michaeltunnell.

Is there another question that we should want to address or should we just go on voting this?

The voting should be:

Are we agreed with the Fedora Project Podcast collab with the DLN? (+1,0,-1 as usual)

How do we vote? Is it in an IRC meeting, or here?

We can take votes here or in meetings. Mindshare Committee members are
called to vote here.


El mi=C3=A9, 24 feb 2021 a las 13:34, Grayson Penland (pagure@pagure.io)

computerkid added a new comment to an issue you are following:
How do we vote? Is it in an IRC meeting, or here?

To reply, visit the link below or just reply to this email

Eduard Lucena
M=C3=B3vil: +56962318010
GNU/Linux User #589060
Ubuntu User #8749
Fedora Marketing Representative

@x3mboy & @michaeltunnell
We discussed this in our weekly Mindshare Committee meeting, and we have the following questions we hope to resolve before we move forward on the collaboration.

"We do not place restrictions on community engagement though with that said, I'm sure you'd understand we wouldn't want another network broadcasting DLN associated shows on their network." does that mean our show can only be used on DLN and no other networks? Is that ok with us? are there many other networks we would want to be a part of?

is there a term / contract / obligation here? like is this for one year or indefinite? if we wanted to end the relationship (not saying we would just trying to figure out the terms) how would that look

and what constitutes a network. for example red hat has a whole family of podcast and may like to feature the fedora podcast in that. i wouldn't qualify it as a network at all, but for example they might have a page listing all RHT afilliated podcasts and it could show up on that page. would that be an issue

can we independently list on podcatchers

What exactly is a network in this context? Please explain this considering that I am a non-native speaker.

"We do not place restrictions on community engagement though with that said, I'm sure you'd understand we wouldn't want another network broadcasting DLN associated shows on their network."

does that mean our show can only be used on DLN and no other networks? Is that ok with us? are there many other networks we would want to be a part of?

basically if our association is in an official sense such as DLN promoting the Fedora Podcast as a part of the network then if Fedora Podcast were to do that with any other network then it would be confusing to all audiences.

and what constitutes a network. for example red hat has a whole family of podcast and may like to feature the fedora podcast in that. i wouldn't qualify it as a network at all, but for example they might have a page listing all RHT afilliated podcasts and it could show up on that page. would that be an issue

There would be an exception to this with Red Hat's podcasting efforts as Fedora is directly associated with Red Hat and because Red Hat is not attempting to directly compete with DLN. If Fedora Podcast were associated with multiple networks in this sense then it would be very confusing to all audiences trying to understand how it worked.

is there a term / contract / obligation here? like is this for one year or indefinite? if we wanted to end the relationship (not saying we would just trying to figure out the terms) how would that look

We have not attempted to do this before so we do not have a contract for this kind of thing at the moment but we would request a reasonable level of commitment to the association so that it can be mutually beneficial to both parties. If Fedora would prefer a contract created for such a commitment then we'd be willing to provide one.

can we independently list on podcatchers

We would not attempt to take over control of any of those aspects, distribution or otherwise. We may request something be added to reference the DLN association but Fedora would be in control of all podcast infrastructure. Though, we would offer advice where requested for improvements to the show and structure based on our experience.

DLN approaches podcasting and content creation with an Open Source philosophy. We'd help Fedora Podcast and in turn we benefit as well. We have no intention to be a burden, our only desire is to help. 😀

I do not see an explanation for "network", without knowing this I do not feel comfortable with voting for this.

Also, there is a request for commitment from the Fedora project which I don't see should be given on a project level.

I do not see an explanation for "network", without knowing this I do not feel comfortable with voting for this.

Basically, network in this context should be seen as Business Network, a group of teams/persons (podcasters in this case) that join efforts to promote the podcasts.

Also, there is a request for commitment from the Fedora project which I don't see should be given on a project level.

What's your proposal here then?

I think this collab is really positive and we are doing tons of efforts to have the new season running and we should be launching the next episodes soon (a week).

+1 to the collaboration.

Hi @till we discussed this in the Mindshare meeting today, I have a few thoughts I will put here in response to your comment.

Also, there is a request for commitment from the Fedora project which I don't see should be given on a project level.

I believe the commitment is very small, and not on a project level. From my perspective, I see a couple folks working hard at making a successful podcast and we have a chance to elevate that work with this collaboration.

From conversations during Mindshare meetings & on this ticket, I believe the collab will be mutually beneficial, and in the end will be reliant on the folks here working on the podcasts. If at some time they need to step back, we can discuss what that might mean. If the podcast became that wildly popular, we would certainly have a new problem to solve, but not a bad one.

I would like to move forward with a vote, but I want to make sure @till you are feeling more comfortable. Can you comment? Thanks!

From conversations during Mindshare meetings & on this ticket, I believe the collab will be mutually beneficial, and in the end will be reliant on the folks here working on the podcasts. If at some time they need to step back, we can discuss what that might mean. If the podcast became that wildly popular, we would certainly have a new problem to solve, but not a bad one.

I just want to comment and say that we've been working pretty hard on getting an infrastructure setup where the podcast can easily be contributed to, and passed on. A key part of this has been the Pagure, which anyone can help contribute to, and ICE we can make someone else an admin.

Hey folks, we talked about this in Mindshare committee meeting today, and we are officially moving to a vote. Please add them here.

+1 to collab

I think this is a good idea. +1

If memory doesn't fail I can consider this approved?

@x3mboy yes! The decision didn't make it to the ticket. You are good to move forward with the collab.

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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