Hey folks, I was asked if Fedora wanted to be a part of OS101 a while back from my team within Red Hat's OSPO, and I said yes.. We have a spot in a Red Hat booth with The Open Source Way & Red Hat Recruiting.
Apologies for the late notice, that came up super quick without me realizing! I plan to hang out in a virtual booth and chat to folks who are interested in Fedora, but I could always use help with this if folks are interested and available. If it just ends up being me, also okay.
The event is on Tuesday March 30th, registration here: https://opensource101.com/
A side note is they are using a virtual conference platform I have yet to try: https://www.6connex.com/ and I am interested in the user experience, as well as feedback from others on what they think of that aspect
<img alt="Screenshot_from_2021-03-27_05-59-39.png" src="/mindshare/issue/raw/files/beb9f96c224d61acd86025f08d20fab25a6d8588a074696ffb7aec46b416ac96-Screenshot_from_2021-03-27_05-59-39.png" />
the booth with our new logo in there! Thanks @duffy
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue close_status updated to: Complete - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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