This came up at the last Mindshare meeting- the under revamp Websites & Apps Team is doing quite a bit of work with various other teams and we discussed having a rep from the W&A Team to the Mindshare Committee.
We actually have some overlap with current Mindshare members (myself, @thunderbirdtr @siddharthvipul1 @duffy and potentially more are all involved to some degree), which is awesome! That overlap may not always exist though, and most of us have a bunch we already need to think about and do.
My proposal is: - Reach out to the W&A team about a rep to Mindshare, get their feedback about if and when they would like to put this in place From there: - If we move ahead, document the rep responsibilities and help the W&A Team find a volunteer - If we decide to wait, ask the W&A Team when they want us to check back in, and then check back in at that date.
I would like to start with questions and then suggestions;
Q1: Right now we only have docs so If we going ot have main webiste what would be the domain name for it ? (like "") or something special like "" (basically a fully custom domain name)
Q2: Contents ! , What do we expecting to see when we enter the website ? (They are all ideas)
Q3: Are we only expecting to have single page and put entire content or multi page structure ?
My thoughts,
First of all, having a complete rep page for mindshare of course would be awesome and I'm sure W&A team would be happy to do it as well. But in order to make it happen, W&A needs design team approval for "fronted" design materials and of course we need to decide what content we should bring in "front". I recently got involved with W&A so I can try to assists as possible as I can and also work with them to make it happen.
If we decided to move ahead and decide answer our side of questions then, I will be there try help as possible as I can too. Also time wise we can simply make sync-up meeting with W&A and decide it too.
Thank you :)
We already have them in council (as objective leads), do we need W&A representation in mindshare? just wondering of extra advantages that either the team or community (or mindshare committee) may get from this and for major works like main website revamp, there is also coordination with FPgM team
We have added a Web & Apps rep to mindshare :) closing as complete
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue close_status updated to: Complete - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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