#288 Revisit the Mindshare Weekly Meeting Time
Closed: Complete 3 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 3 years ago by riecatnor.

It has been a long while since we set the timing for our weekly Mindshare Committee meeting. We have had a lack of quorum recently, mostly because it's summertime and people are doing a lot of traveling. Even still, we have some folks who are unable to make it regularly, for some it is very late, so let's do a new whenisgood and see if we can find a better time.

I will work on coordinating this after Nest- next step is creating the whenisgood for the month of September if someone has a chance to do that, feel free. The reason behind September is because I think we will be in the same situation with a lot of time off and vacations for the month of August (including myself).

Yes please,

I will be delighted if we change the day.

The actual day becomes tough for me. :disappointed:

Hi Mindshare! Please fill out this whenisgood by August 25th. Thanks!

The best overall times ranked looked like this:
1. Thursdays at 3PM eastern (19:00UTC)
2. Mondays at 3PM eastern (19:00UTC)
3. Mondays at 8AM eastern (12:00UTC) (this one is my least favorite lol)
4. Tuesdays at 8AM eastern (12:00UTC)

Because we have folks spread from India to the Midwest of the US, it is going to be really tough to get a meeting with all of us in attendance. I have two proposals:

  1. Meeting at Thursday at 3PM eastern (19:00 UTC) weekly and once a month hold an additional meeting on Tuesday 8AM eastern (12:00 UTC) to help keep everyone in sync.
  2. Alternate meeting times. One week Thursday at 3PM eastern (19:00 UTC) and one week Tuesday 8AM eastern (12:00UTC).

I am open to other suggestions as well! Please comment your preferences/thoughts.

I cannot guarantee that I can make the Thursday meeting. I was also not able to participate in all meetings at the current time. I read the meeting minutes and left comments in the tickets, so both options would work for me.

3pm Eastern any day should work for me. 8am Eastern I will not be able to attend - that is when I am commuting to work usually.

Tuesdays at 8AM eastern (12:00UTC) would be great for me

Hey folks! I propose we move forward with the alternating times for meetings.

One week Thursday at 3PM eastern (19:00 UTC) and one week Tuesday 8AM eastern (12:00UTC)

I'm fine with that. +1

I have adjusted Fedocal and the calendar invites based on the alternating times we have agreed on. Closing this ticket as complete. Thanks!

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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