#290 WorkAdventure Map at Nest with Fedora 2021 - Feedback ticket
Closed: Complete 3 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 3 years ago by riecatnor.

This ticket is to track feedback on the Nest with Fedora 2021 custom work adventure map during the event (August 5-7 2021)
The map is found here: https://play.workadventu.re/@/mindshare-committee/nestwithfedora/fedoramuseum

Please leave any constructive feedback or suggestions for improvement as a comment, thanks!

Love it! A great way to interact with everyone at Nest with Fedora 2021! Good job!

Nice environment for socializing!

The adventure map at Nest with Fedora 2021 is a fantastic idea.
The look and feel reminded me of being at a conference.

Favourite feature:
Ability to communicate with others in real time when in close proximity to their avatar.

What could be improved:
Perhaps make it easier to find instructions i.e. arrows to navigate and any other useful keys.

Tried this out in FireFox and it works great! Thank you for making this! Tried this out in Chrome/Brave and it doesn't seem to operate. When moving the character they stay stuck going in one direction then they cease to move at all. Not sure how many others use Chromium based browsers but this is what I found. In any case it works great in FireFox and if that was the intention then so be it!

W0W! I had a lot of fun on my iPad, with my traveling com[panion jade. The environment settings were great. I met a lot of people from other parts of the country. keep up the good work!! @dhairya15

awesome platform it was so much fun allowed me to talk to people similar to a physical event.

I found it good, the game-like environment takes away some of the awkwardness when socializing virtually.

thoroughly enjoyed the Fedora Museum. Easy to use and fun to "run into' people and have conversations .

Thanks for the feedback!

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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