The mindshare list is already low-traffic, so there does not seem to be value in also having a mindshare-announce mailing list. Therefore I propose to retire this.
I'll assume 3 January 2022 as the lazy consensus deadline due to the upcoming holidays.
Hi @till I am neutral on this. I agree there is no current value in having mindshare-announce, with no activity and low subscription count. I do think it could be useful at some point, but I am fine retiring it until a time where it might become necessary or useful.
It's usefulness also depends on the activity of the main mindshare mailing list. Since it is already low volume, it does not seem to make sense to have another low-volume mailing list.
+1 I am cool with this. I didn't know there was a mindshare-announce. I think mindshare@ should be sufficient.
Requested retirement at
Metadata Update from @till: - Issue close_status updated to: Complete - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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