#34 Figure out Quarterly Mindshare Updates
Closed: Complete 2 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 6 years ago by bex.

We need to communicate what we are doing as a project and as a committee. (see #17 for reference)

Does this Update should be presented to the Council?

Does this Update should be presented to the Council?

Not as such. It should be published where the community can see it. Our rep should present to the council as needed (or delegate as needed).

A newsletter will be in place.
It will be featuring all the events of the month and we will love to send it out to the community.

This did not move forward for more than two years. What can you do to help? If there are no objections/changes the next time I look at this ticket after 7 weeks, I will close it (if I still can).

The Mindshare Committee discussed this in our weekly meeting, and we think this is still a great idea. We talked about creating a standard outline, setting dates, and using 1 or 2 of our meetings to fill in the doc. I would then make final edits and submit to the CommBlog. From there we can promote as a team.

I started a hackmd for the outline here:

A couple other teams are doing something similar that we can reference:

The Mindshare Committee discussed this in our weekly meeting, and the folks present were happy with the outline I drafted. I proposed that we use a ticket to track each quarterly update. As soon as we close the current ticket, we open a new one and set a target date for publication. Everyone was positive about that idea, so I am going to open up a new ticket to track our first Quarterly Update. If there are other ways folks feel would be best to track the updates and make sure they are getting out on time, please add your ideas here.

Also: I added folks to the "Mindshare Committee" team space on hackmd and created a "Mindshare Committee Quarterly Update" template that everyone should be able to access. (You will see a variety of other docs we have worked on in there as well) Using the "..." menu in a hackmd pad, choose "Insert from Template" and you should be able to see the template I created.

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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