I have been working on re-establishing reimbursement methods for Fedora related requests. We have some new internal policies at Red Hat and it was brought to my attention that it may apply to Fedora funding. I finally got in touch with the right people to evaluate Fedora’s needs and it has been confirmed that we need to get an extra set of approvals due to anti-bribery and undue influence regulations. The extra set of approvals are to protect both Fedora and Red Hat. The reality is that scrutiny on tech companies has tightened across the world, for a variety of reasons.
This won’t affect most requests, actually. The main point of concern is if the person requesting funds is a government employee or is in a position at their work that could cause undue influence.
In order to get the extra approvals, we need to gather some additional information and I will manage the process for the approval. I have worked to set up a new template under the budget pagure as follows:
Use this form to request pre-approval for funding requests for travel and accommodations. Please answer accurately as the information provided will be used in assessing whether the amenity provided complies with applicable laws related to anti-bribery and undue influence. Please expect a two week processing time. If you have any questions send them in email form to fcaic@fedoraproject.org.
Please note if you are a Red Hat employee you are not required to fill out this form.
Place of Work Full Name: Dates for requested amenities: Name of your employer: Is your work place a government entity, state owned entity, or commercial entity (choose one)? Country where you work: Your title at place of work:
Please provide an estimate of each expense you are requesting in USD values as well as a short description for any relevant fields related to your request. Make sure to include any related taxes, gratuities, and fees. Meals (including link to restaurant): Entertainment(including link to venue): Travel(including method of travel): Accommodation: Conference Fee(including URL to conference agenda):
Additional Information
Have you been provided with Fedora/Red Hat funding in the past 12 months? Does your place of work have any rules about the receipt of business amenities? If yes, please describe. Are you bringing a guest? If yes, will Fedora be paying for any of the guests expenses? Are there any opportunities such as procurements, RFPs, or tenders between your place of work/organization and Fedora/Red Hat? Is there any additional information that we should be aware of?
I don't have anything special to add and It looks great and clean to me. I may be missing some part doesn't come to my mind but maybe others and say something else as well.
+1 for this update
Cool- seems like everyone is on board. Next steps are we need to work on updating docs and also a blog post to make the community aware
moved to: https://gitlab.com/fedora/mindshare/home/-/issues/8
Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja: - Issue close_status updated to: Moved - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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