#343 Renew Elementor license for podcast.fedoraproject.org
Closed: Complete 2 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 2 years ago by x3mboy.


For the podcast site, I was using elementor pro, that allowed me to set the theme in wordpress. I personally paid for the first year, and I wanted to know if is possible that Fedora paid from now on.

Cost: $ 49.00 USD

Hi @x3mboy - first of all, thank you for all your work on the podcast and also paying for this service out of pocket!!

We need to be careful bringing on new SaaS solutions due to GDPR and privacy concerns, and I am wondering if there are free/community supported solutions that would give you a similar functionality for the podcast site? This might be a silly question, so if its not possible feel free to say so and I will look into the feasibility and what our options are. Thank you!

Hi @x3mboy - first of all, thank you for all your work on the podcast and also paying for this service out of pocket!!

No problem, I did it because at the time it was possible for me. Now it's not :smile:

free/community supported solutions that would give you a similar functionality for the podcast site?

I have no idea. At the time I paid for the PRO because I needed to allocate some stuff and the free version didn't allow me to do it. My WP-fu is not that strong. I have some time to research and try to find a solution, but also I need to be sure that if I will lose the changes I did with the PRO version.

IIRC, Elementor is deployed into your WordPress instance, rather than being specifically a SaaS thing. Admittedly, I don't know a ton about it, mostly I know a bit from @michaeltunnell, who uses it for all his sites.

As @ngompa said, this is not a SaaS solution, rather Elementor is a plugin for Wordpress. The cost is $49 USD per year. In my opinion, the cost of Elementor is worth it as it provides a way to reliably have a wordpress designed without relying on a theme that could break at any time which is an issue Wordpress is notorious for.

With that said, it is possible to use the Elementor free version once you've already created the website but it will mean some things will be limited for future modifications would not be possible to the header and the footer as well as other areas.

If it is just a plugin I'm +1 to renew the license

Hey @x3mboy & @michaeltunnell thank you for the additional context. Let's move forward with the payment- please reach out to me by Element or Telegram with access info so I can pay for the subscription renewal.

I reached out to @x3mboy by DM to discuss and he let me know that a renewal is only necessary if they need to make modifications to the site. They currently have no plans to do so. If you are looking to do that in the future, please feel free to open a new ticket. Thanks!

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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