#360 FWD Hopin Request
Closed: Complete 2 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 2 years ago by isagordillo.

Hopin Admin Request Template

This template can be used by anyone who wants to request to be Hopin Admin on Fedora Project's behalf (should be related to Fedora project use cases).Vote of the FCAIC is compulsory for this ticket.

Items marked with asterisk (*) are mandatory fields. These tickets are designed to be easy to do.Therefore feel free to use bullet points
and simple language.

  1. Primary Event Manager* Isabella Gordillo, Vippul Siddharth, Jona Azizaj
  2. Additional Event Managers* TBD
  3. Event Name* Fedora Week of Diversity (FWD)
  4. Brief Description of the Event* A virtual meetup for the community to tell their stories and share their experience of what diversity means to them.
  5. Date(s) + Time(s) of the Event* October 14 & 15
  6. Estimated registrations for the event * (TBD)
    Note: Hopin charges per registration not per attendee. Under our current contract, each registration is $6 as we are currently under the level 2 support plan. We are anticipating that our initial purchase of 5,000 will run out by January 2021. After that, we will move to a $1/registration plan with no support. If your event would like Level 1 or Level 2 support, you can elect to add that support for your event and your cost center will be billed.
  7. How many members of your planning team will need to be coded as organizers in the system pre-event? 3
    NOTE: Hopin defines organizers are those people who are working on the back-end to set-up the event. Note: we are limited to 20 organizers total, which will need to be shared among events that are being coordinated in Hopin during the same time frame.
  8. How many members of your team will need to be coded as organizers in the system during the event? 5 ~ this will include the event planners and the moderators during the event
    HOPIN: Organizers are also those who have administrator access on the day of the event to help moderate and troubleshoot. Note: the maximum is typically 8/9, depending if support is needed during the event from Jen/Veronica.
  9. Are you using Hopin for your event registration? If no, what platform are you using for registration? Yes
  10. Will you be uploading event contacts or leads into a CRM? No
  11. Would you like to contact event attendees after the event? If so, when and what information will you be sharing? Yes, to ask for feedback
    This question is part of InfoSec's evaluation of the platform

LGTM +1 and best of good luck

Very much want to see this done. +1

@isagordillo @siddharthvipul1 @jonatoni I have submitted the internal request for use of Hopin for these dates and I will provide an update asap! Thanks for organizing this, I can't wait :)

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue assigned to riecatnor
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: virtual events

2 years ago

Hi @isagordillo @siddharthvipul1 @jonatoni this has been approved and I believe you all are added to the hopin account. Please email me if you have any questions or issues about setting up the event. Cheers!

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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