#365 Reimbursment Nest event swag package
Closed: Complete 2 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 2 years ago by zoltanh721.

I have received a Nest event swag package through Fedex, but there is no official RedHat invoice within the pack. Also the HU Fedex Money department attached an official mail to the package that I have to pay customs 3827 HUF (approx 10-11 EUR), after their invoice arrives with the HU postal service. (ps: date on the official letter is 2022-09-16)

Hi @zoltanh721 thanks for opening the ticket. Apologies that you were charged customs as those expenses were supposed to be dealt with in advance. Please open a ticket on the budget pagure repo: https://pagure.io/fedora-budget/issues - I would recommend going with the Wise transfer service as I am not sure I will be able to manage getting you into Red Hat's system for an 11 euro reimbursement. Thanks

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