#366 Fedora Panama Swag request.
Closed: Complete 2 years ago by jflory7. Opened 2 years ago by lbazan.

Note: Filling out this form doesn't gurantee you swag will be
shipped to you. This form is to be used only when you are explicitly
asked to fill it out.

Please be very exact when you format your address. Assume the person
responding to this ticket has NEVER seen an address in your country

We cannot gurantee the shipment of specific swag. If you have suggestions
or preferences, please list them in the Notes section.

Please allow 2-3 weeks for shipping as swag is generally not stored in
your country. Most of the delay is to allow time for customs processing
in your country, not shipping.

-----Da Form-----8x-----

What event do you need swag for?
This request is from SWAG for upcoming events in Panama, I will receive and distribute them to each member in Panama so I can have supplies for future events.

What ticket is associated with this request?

What is the starting date of the event?
Any future event.

How many people are expected to be present?

Is this a booth or something different? If different, what?
They are normally booths or events at convention centers, halls or universities.

Hi @lbazan thanks for opening this! I removed your address as it is a public ticket. I saw your budget ticket but didn't have the chance to address it yet, and was also wondering if there was a Mindshare ticket in the works :)

I think it is a nice idea to send some swag for future events, for a couple reasons. Mainly I think the LATAM community is quite active- but also we are working on reducing the swag that built up during the pandemic as well as the number of items we stock overall so this could be a good chance to move some of that inventory.

Though I am wondering if there are some specific plans for events in the works?

@riecatnor We have had several past events such as software freedom day among others... my idea is to use all this swag and share it immediately with all future events, in the last event I was at I noticed that we have very little material and that is why I am doing this request!

Thanks! Let me check with the team if we have some list of events.... But I hope that for the moment this is not an block to receiving the material. :-)

Appreciate your attention! :-)

I am +1 to sending out materials in advance of the list. It would be great to have some trip reports from where it was distributed. @riecatnor mentioned that the teams there are pretty active and I am aware of a lot of activity in and around the LATAM community, so I think it's great to have easy access for activities in the area.

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue priority set to: normal (1-2 weeks) (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: ambassadors

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue assigned to riecatnor
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: needs review)

2 years ago

I am +1 to this request too. I couldn't remember if there were any more recent updates on this ticket?

The package arrived successfully! Thanks team!

@riecatnor :-)

Awesome! Thanks for updating us here @lbazan. Given there is not an immediate event on the horizon, we do not need to require an event report, although it would be great to tag Fedora on social media whenever the swag is distributed. Of course, we can continue to support with funding for future local events too.

Closing this ticket as complete.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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