#40 Requesting budget for LISA18
Closed: Complete 5 years ago by bex. Opened 5 years ago by nb.

LISA is the premier conference for operations professionals, where sysadmins, systems engineers, IT operations professionals, SRE practitioners, developers, IT managers, and academic researchers share real-world knowledge about designing, building, securing, and maintaining the critical systems of our interconnected world.

I am requesting budget for me to attend LISA18 and help with the Fedora booth. We usually combine with Red Hat and CentOS and have one really large booth. I am unable to get my employer to pay for my trip this year, so I am requesting Fedora funding.

I believe this poses a good opportunity for us to promote Fedora Server and Modularity. @mattdm said we will most likely have a Fedora BoF or a Fedora/CentOS BoF at LISA also.

jmadriaga told me I could get a conference pass from Red Hat.

Tentative Estimate:
Rental Car, Gas, Parking - $350
Hotel - $1180.96 ($254+tax per night, 4 nights) - possibly can share with someone

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 29 (to Oct. 2018)
- Issue tagged with: ambassadors, meeting

5 years ago

LISA looks like a good audience for Fedora's mission and objectives. A Fedora presence makes sense at an event like this. I'm +1 to approve the travel for short-term purposes.

On a side note, we should streamline or document an event-funding process. This is the first Ambassador-like funding ticket I've seen in the Mindshare Committee. Currently, several regions use regional ticket trackers for these requests. If our intent was to direct this traffic here, we may need to revisit messaging to communicate this change.

+1 I approve of it after looking at the importance of the event and purpose.

I am not sure if I am allowed to vote, since I filed the request, but I am +1 (obviously)

Note that we'll have a table and a bof on Monday night.

This funding is approved. Leaving ticket open for the event report.

@bex will add to budget @nb will write an event report and then submit expenses in a private fedora-budget ticket

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue untagged with: ambassadors, meeting
- Issue assigned to nb
- Issue priority set to: None (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue set to the milestone: None (was: Fedora 29 (to Oct. 2018))
- Issue tagged with: needs event report

5 years ago

@nb can you share with us the report?

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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