From our meeting on 10 October:
<bexelbie> I'd like us to formally state that we can approve the $100 and less tickets with 2 +1s and 3 days open. WDYT? This will speed up our response time and make us more predictable. If we have an explosion of requ 18:13:57 <bexelbie> ests (a fantastic problem to have) we can revisit this. We have budget, lets make impact. 18:14:10 <fmindshare-tg> <nebebout> +1 18:14:14 <fmindshare-tg> <x3mboy> +1 18:14:17 <bexelbie> I think this is probably non-controversial and may not need much discussion 18:14:41 <sumantro> +1
This has the following +1s already @nb @x3mboy @sumantrom @bex
As this changes our approval process Let's more people to vote. Barring objections, this will be consensus approved on Wednesday 17 October. The following members have not voted:
@jsmith @robyduck @jflory7 @mleonova
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue priority set to: critical (next week) (was: awaiting triage)
+1 from me.
Already on meeting but JIC +1
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue close_status updated to: Complete - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue assigned to bex
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)
Needs to be documented
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: critical (next week)) - Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 30 (to May 2019) - Issue tagged with: docs, mindshare
This has been added in #115 and can close when that merges.
closing as the PR merged
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