#63 Update Advocate Template
Closed: Complete 5 years ago by bex. Opened 6 years ago by bex.

I'd like to update the Advocate template as follows:


Advocate Request Template

This template can be used by Advocates to apply for budgets and swags
for their events. The requests are monitored and acted upon by mindshare.

For details about these ticket types, please read:

This ticket should be public. Do not put personally identifying
information in this ticket. If this ticket is approved, you will open
a shipment request ticket for your swag and a reimbursement request
after your event to get your reimbursement. These tickets are located
in https://pagure.io/fedora-budget/

Once your ticket has been filed, we will begin considering
it. For details on the rapid approval system, please see:

Items marked with asterisk (*) are mandatory fields. These tickets are
designed to be easy to do. Therefore feel free to use bullet points
and simple language.

  1. What is the event and why should Fedora do it?*
  2. Event Date*
  3. Event Location*
  4. Swag needs (and why)
  5. Budget needs (subject to the Advocate limit)
  6. Target Audience*
  7. Full Name
  8. FAS ID*

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue priority set to: next meeting (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 30 (to May 2019)
- Issue tagged with: ambassadors

6 years ago

+1 sounds better than have many public tickets with personal data or many private tickets making the process looks opaque

ticket is passed by lazy consensus at the 28 November meeting.

This need to be closed, no?

The actual update hasn't been made yet, I don't think.

This is updated. Closing. Thanks for the prompt @x3mboy

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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