#99 Policy: Swag only requests are managed the same way as $150 requests - needs docs
Closed: Complete 5 years ago by bex. Opened 5 years ago by bex.

Barring the request being exceptionally large or "different" they can be managed just like an advocate ticket.

Votes in Meeting on 27 Feb 2019

+1s @bex @nb @jsmith @x3mboy @bt0dotninja

This is considered passed by lazy consensus on 12 March barring a -1 vote

This is passed and needs to be documented.

This has been added in #115 and can close when that merges.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue assigned to bex

5 years ago

closing as the PR merged

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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