#51 Add integration test that covers countme_totals.py
Merged 3 years ago by asaleh. Opened 3 years ago by patrikp.
patrikp/mirrors-countme test_totals  into  main

file modified
+4 -240
@@ -1,188 +1,11 @@ 



  import argparse

- import datetime

- from collections import Counter

- from typing import NamedTuple

- from countme import CountmeItem, weeknum, SQLiteWriter, SQLiteReader, CSVWriter


- # NOTE: log timestamps do not move monotonically forward, but they don't

- # seem to ever jump backwards more than 241 seconds. I assume this is

- # some timeout that's set to 4 minutes, and the log entry shows up after

- # expiry, or something. Anyway, what this means is that once we've seen

- # a timestamp that's 241 seconds past the end of a week, we can assume that

- # there will be no further entries whose timestamps belong to the previous

- # week.

- # We could probably watch the max jitter between log lines and adjust

- # this if needed, but for now I'm just gonna pad it to 600 seconds.

- # The difference between 241 and 600 is kind of irrelevant - since we get logs

- # in 24-hour chunks, any window that extends into the next day means we have to

- # wait 24 hours until we can be sure we have all the data for the previous

- # week, so the effect would be the same if this was 3600 or 43200 or whatever.

- # TODO: this should probably move into the module somewhere..



- # Feb 11 2020 was the date that we branched F32 from Rawhide, so we've decided

- # to use that as the starting week for countme data.

- COUNTME_START_TIME = 1581292800  # =Mon Feb 10 00:00:00 2020 (UTC)



- DAY_LEN = 24 * 60 * 60


- COUNTME_EPOCH = 345600  # =00:00:00 Mon Jan 5 00:00:00 1970 (UTC)


- # And here's how you convert a weeknum to a human-readable date




- def weekdate(weeknum, weekday=0):

-     if weekday < 0 or weekday > 6:

-         raise ValueError("weekday must be between 0 (Mon) and 6 (Sun)")

-     ordinal = COUNTME_EPOCH_ORDINAL + 7 * weeknum + weekday

-     return datetime.date.fromordinal(ordinal)



- def daterange(weeknum):

-     return weekdate(weeknum, 0), weekdate(weeknum, 6)



- # ===========================================================================

- # ====== Count Buckets & Items ==============================================

- # ===========================================================================



- class CountBucket(NamedTuple):

-     weeknum: str  # this is a query

-     os_name: str

-     os_version: str

-     os_variant: str

-     os_arch: str

-     sys_age: str  # this is a key

-     repo_tag: str

-     repo_arch: str


-     @classmethod

-     def from_item(cls, item):

-         return cls._make((weeknum(item.timestamp),) + item[2:])



- BucketSelect = CountBucket(

-     weeknum=f"((timestamp-{COUNTME_EPOCH})/{WEEK_LEN}) as weeknum",

-     os_name="os_name",

-     os_version="os_version",

-     os_variant="os_variant",

-     os_arch="os_arch",

-     sys_age="sys_age",

-     repo_tag="repo_tag",

-     repo_arch="repo_arch",

- )



- class TotalsItem(NamedTuple):

-     hits: int

-     weeknum: str  # this is a query

-     os_name: str

-     os_version: str

-     os_variant: str

-     os_arch: str

-     sys_age: str  # this is a key

-     repo_tag: str

-     repo_arch: str


-     @classmethod

-     def from_item(cls, item):

-         return cls._make((weeknum(item.timestamp),) + item[2:])



- TotalsItem.__doc__ = """TotalsItem is CountBucket with a "hits" count on the front."""



- class CSVCountItem(NamedTuple):

-     """

-     Represents one row in a countme_totals.csv file.

-     In the interest of human-readability, we replace 'weeknum' with the

-     start and end dates of that week.

-     """


-     week_start: str

-     week_end: str

-     hits: int

-     os_name: str

-     os_version: str

-     os_variant: str

-     os_arch: str

-     sys_age: int

-     repo_tag: str

-     repo_arch: str


-     @classmethod

-     def from_totalitem(cls, item):

-         """Use this method to convert a CountItem to a CSVCountItem."""

-         hits, weeknum, *rest = item

-         week_start, week_end = daterange(weeknum)

-         return cls._make([week_start, week_end, hits] + rest)



- # ===========================================================================

- # ====== SQL + Progress helpers =============================================

- # ===========================================================================



- class RawDB(SQLiteReader):

-     def __init__(self, fp, **kwargs):

-         super().__init__(fp, CountmeItem, tablename="countme_raw", **kwargs)


-     def _minmax(self, column):

-         cur = self._con.execute(f"SELECT min({column}),max({column}) FROM {self._tablename}")

-         return cur.fetchone()


-     def complete_weeks(self):

-         """Return a range(startweek, provweek) that covers (valid + complete)

-         weeknums contained in this database. The database may contain some

-         data for `provweek`, but since it's provisional/incomplete it's

-         outside the range."""

-         # startweek can't be earlier than the first week of data

-         startweek = max(weeknum(self.mintime()), COUNTME_START_WEEKNUM)

-         # A week is provisional until the LOG_JITTER_WINDOW expires, so once

-         # tsmax minus LOG_JITTER_WINDOW ticks over into a new weeknum, that

-         # weeknum is the provisional one. So...

-         provweek = weeknum(self.maxtime() - LOG_JITTER_WINDOW)

-         return range(startweek, provweek)


-     def week_count(self, weeknum):

-         start_ts = weeknum * WEEK_LEN + COUNTME_EPOCH

-         end_ts = start_ts + WEEK_LEN

-         cur = self._con.execute(

-             f"SELECT COUNT(*)"

-             f" FROM {self._tablename}"

-             f" WHERE timestamp >= {start_ts} AND timestamp < {end_ts}"

-         )

-         return cur.fetchone()[0]


-     def week_iter(self, weeknum, select="*"):

-         if isinstance(select, (tuple, list)):

-             item_select = ",".join(select)

-         elif isinstance(select, str):

-             item_select = select

-         else:

-             raise ValueError(f"select should be a string or tuple, not {select.__class__.__name__}")

-         start_ts = weeknum * WEEK_LEN + COUNTME_EPOCH

-         end_ts = start_ts + WEEK_LEN

-         return self._con.execute(

-             f"SELECT {item_select}"

-             f" FROM {self._tablename}"

-             f" WHERE timestamp >= {start_ts} AND timestamp < {end_ts}"

-         )



- try:

-     from tqdm import tqdm as Progress

- except ImportError:

-     from countme.progress import diyprog as Progress

+ from countme.totals import totals



  # ===========================================================================

- # ====== CLI parser & main() ================================================

+ # ====== CLI parser & __main__ ==============================================

  # ===========================================================================


@@ -218,68 +41,9 @@ 

      return args



- def main():

-     args = parse_args()


-     # Initialize the writer (better to fail early..)

-     totals = SQLiteWriter(

-         args.countme_totals, TotalsItem, timefield="weeknum", tablename="countme_totals"

-     )

-     totals.write_header()


-     # Are we doing an update?

-     if args.countme_raw:

-         rawdb = RawDB(args.countme_raw)


-         # Check to see if there's any new weeks to get data for

-         complete_weeks = sorted(rawdb.complete_weeks())

-         newest_totals = totals.maxtime() or -1

-         new_weeks = [w for w in complete_weeks if w > newest_totals]


-         # Count week by week

-         for week in new_weeks:


-             # Set up a progress meter and counter

-             mon, sun = daterange(week)

-             desc = f"week {week} ({mon} -- {sun})"

-             total = rawdb.week_count(week)

-             prog = Progress(

-                 total=total,

-                 desc=desc,

-                 disable=True if not args.progress else None,

-                 unit="row",

-                 unit_scale=False,

-             )

-             hitcount = Counter()


-             # Select raw items into their buckets and count 'em up

-             for bucket in rawdb.week_iter(week, select=BucketSelect):

-                 hitcount[bucket] += 1

-                 prog.update()


-             # Write the resulting totals into countme_totals

-             totals.write_items((hits,) + bucket for bucket, hits in hitcount.items())

-             prog.close()


-         # Oh and make sure we index them by time.

-         totals.write_index()


-     # Was a CSV dump requested?

-     if args.csv_dump:

-         totalreader = SQLiteReader(

-             args.countme_totals,

-             TotalsItem,

-             timefield="weeknum",

-             tablename="countme_totals",

-         )

-         writer = CSVWriter(args.csv_dump, CSVCountItem, timefield="week_start")

-         writer.write_header()

-         for item in totalreader:

-             writer.write_item(CSVCountItem.from_totalitem(item))



  if __name__ == "__main__":


-         main()

+         args = parse_args()

+         totals(args)

      except KeyboardInterrupt:

          raise SystemExit(3)  # You know, 3, like 'C', like Ctrl-C!

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ 

+ import datetime

+ from countme.progress import diyprog as Progress

+ from collections import Counter

+ from typing import NamedTuple

+ from countme import CountmeItem, weeknum, SQLiteWriter, SQLiteReader, CSVWriter



+ # NOTE: log timestamps do not move monotonically forward, but they don't

+ # seem to ever jump backwards more than 241 seconds. I assume this is

+ # some timeout that's set to 4 minutes, and the log entry shows up after

+ # expiry, or something. Anyway, what this means is that once we've seen

+ # a timestamp that's 241 seconds past the end of a week, we can assume that

+ # there will be no further entries whose timestamps belong to the previous

+ # week.

+ # We could probably watch the max jitter between log lines and adjust

+ # this if needed, but for now I'm just gonna pad it to 600 seconds.

+ # The difference between 241 and 600 is kind of irrelevant - since we get logs

+ # in 24-hour chunks, any window that extends into the next day means we have to

+ # wait 24 hours until we can be sure we have all the data for the previous

+ # week, so the effect would be the same if this was 3600 or 43200 or whatever.

+ # TODO: this should probably move into the module somewhere..



+ # Feb 11 2020 was the date that we branched F32 from Rawhide, so we've decided

+ # to use that as the starting week for countme data.

+ COUNTME_START_TIME = 1581292800  # =Mon Feb 10 00:00:00 2020 (UTC)



+ DAY_LEN = 24 * 60 * 60


+ COUNTME_EPOCH = 345600  # =00:00:00 Mon Jan 5 00:00:00 1970 (UTC)


+ # And here's how you convert a weeknum to a human-readable date




+ def weekdate(weeknum, weekday=0):

+     if weekday < 0 or weekday > 6:

+         raise ValueError("weekday must be between 0 (Mon) and 6 (Sun)")

+     ordinal = COUNTME_EPOCH_ORDINAL + 7 * int(weeknum) + weekday

+     return datetime.date.fromordinal(ordinal)



+ def daterange(weeknum):

+     return weekdate(weeknum, 0), weekdate(weeknum, 6)



+ # ===========================================================================

+ # ====== Count Buckets & Items ==============================================

+ # ===========================================================================



+ class CountBucket(NamedTuple):

+     weeknum: str  # this is a query

+     os_name: str

+     os_version: str

+     os_variant: str

+     os_arch: str

+     sys_age: str  # this is a key

+     repo_tag: str

+     repo_arch: str


+     @classmethod

+     def from_item(cls, item):

+         return cls._make((weeknum(item.timestamp),) + item[2:])



+ BucketSelect = CountBucket(

+     weeknum=f"((timestamp-{COUNTME_EPOCH})/{WEEK_LEN}) as weeknum",

+     os_name="os_name",

+     os_version="os_version",

+     os_variant="os_variant",

+     os_arch="os_arch",

+     sys_age="sys_age",

+     repo_tag="repo_tag",

+     repo_arch="repo_arch",

+ )



+ class TotalsItem(NamedTuple):

+     hits: int

+     weeknum: str  # this is a query

+     os_name: str

+     os_version: str

+     os_variant: str

+     os_arch: str

+     sys_age: str  # this is a key

+     repo_tag: str

+     repo_arch: str


+     @classmethod

+     def from_item(cls, item):

+         return cls._make((weeknum(item.timestamp),) + item[2:])



+ TotalsItem.__doc__ = """TotalsItem is CountBucket with a "hits" count on the front."""



+ class CSVCountItem(NamedTuple):

+     """

+     Represents one row in a countme_totals.csv file.

+     In the interest of human-readability, we replace 'weeknum' with the

+     start and end dates of that week.

+     """


+     week_start: str

+     week_end: str

+     hits: int

+     os_name: str

+     os_version: str

+     os_variant: str

+     os_arch: str

+     sys_age: int

+     repo_tag: str

+     repo_arch: str


+     @classmethod

+     def from_totalitem(cls, item):

+         """Use this method to convert a CountItem to a CSVCountItem."""

+         hits, weeknum, *rest = item

+         week_start, week_end = daterange(weeknum)

+         return cls._make([week_start, week_end, hits] + rest)



+ # ===========================================================================

+ # ====== SQL + Progress helpers =============================================

+ # ===========================================================================



+ class RawDB(SQLiteReader):

+     def __init__(self, fp, **kwargs):

+         super().__init__(fp, CountmeItem, tablename="countme_raw", **kwargs)


+     def _minmax(self, column):

+         cur = self._con.execute(f"SELECT min({column}),max({column}) FROM {self._tablename}")

+         return cur.fetchone()


+     def complete_weeks(self):

+         """Return a range(startweek, provweek) that covers (valid + complete)

+         weeknums contained in this database. The database may contain some

+         data for `provweek`, but since it's provisional/incomplete it's

+         outside the range."""

+         # startweek can't be earlier than the first week of data

+         startweek = max(weeknum(self.mintime()), COUNTME_START_WEEKNUM)

+         # A week is provisional until the LOG_JITTER_WINDOW expires, so once

+         # tsmax minus LOG_JITTER_WINDOW ticks over into a new weeknum, that

+         # weeknum is the provisional one. So...

+         provweek = weeknum(self.maxtime() - LOG_JITTER_WINDOW)

+         return range(startweek, provweek)


+     def week_count(self, weeknum):

+         start_ts = weeknum * WEEK_LEN + COUNTME_EPOCH

+         end_ts = start_ts + WEEK_LEN

+         cur = self._con.execute(

+             f"SELECT COUNT(*)"

+             f" FROM {self._tablename}"

+             f" WHERE timestamp >= {start_ts} AND timestamp < {end_ts}"

+         )

+         return cur.fetchone()[0]


+     def week_iter(self, weeknum, select="*"):

+         if isinstance(select, (tuple, list)):

+             item_select = ",".join(select)

+         elif isinstance(select, str):

+             item_select = select

+         else:

+             raise ValueError(f"select should be a string or tuple, not {select.__class__.__name__}")

+         start_ts = weeknum * WEEK_LEN + COUNTME_EPOCH

+         end_ts = start_ts + WEEK_LEN

+         return self._con.execute(

+             f"SELECT {item_select}"

+             f" FROM {self._tablename}"

+             f" WHERE timestamp >= {start_ts} AND timestamp < {end_ts}"

+         )



+ def totals(args):

+     # Initialize the writer (better to fail early..)

+     totals = SQLiteWriter(

+         args.countme_totals, TotalsItem, timefield="weeknum", tablename="countme_totals"

+     )

+     totals.write_header()


+     # Are we doing an update?

+     if args.countme_raw:

+         rawdb = RawDB(args.countme_raw)


+         # Check to see if there's any new weeks to get data for

+         complete_weeks = sorted(rawdb.complete_weeks())

+         newest_totals = totals.maxtime() or -1

+         new_weeks = [w for w in complete_weeks if w > int(newest_totals)]


+         # Count week by week

+         for week in new_weeks:


+             # Set up a progress meter and counter

+             mon, sun = daterange(week)

+             desc = f"week {week} ({mon} -- {sun})"

+             total = rawdb.week_count(week)

+             prog = Progress(

+                 total=total,

+                 desc=desc,

+                 disable=True if not args.progress else None,

+                 unit="row",

+                 unit_scale=False,

+             )

+             hitcount = Counter()


+             # Select raw items into their buckets and count 'em up

+             for bucket in rawdb.week_iter(week, select=BucketSelect):

+                 hitcount[bucket] += 1

+                 prog.update()


+             # Write the resulting totals into countme_totals

+             totals.write_items((hits,) + bucket for bucket, hits in hitcount.items())

+             prog.close()


+         # Oh and make sure we index them by time.

+         totals.write_index()


+     # Was a CSV dump requested?

+     if args.csv_dump:

+         totalreader = SQLiteReader(

+             args.countme_totals,

+             TotalsItem,

+             timefield="weeknum",

+             tablename="countme_totals",

+         )

+         writer = CSVWriter(args.csv_dump, CSVCountItem, timefield="week_start")

+         writer.write_header()

+         for item in totalreader:

+             writer.write_item(CSVCountItem.from_totalitem(item))

empty or binary file added
file added
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ 

+ import tarfile

+ import sqlite3

+ import pytest

+ from pathlib import Path

+ from typing import Any, NamedTuple

+ from countme.totals import totals



+ HERE = Path(__file__).parent

+ TEST_DATA_DIR = HERE.parent / "test_data"



+ def _test_tarfile_factory(tarfile_path):

+     """Wrap tarfile.open() context manager for fixtures


+     This attempts to open the tarfile and if successful, extracts its contents

+     to the current working directory and yields the Tarfile object. On

+     failure, it yields None.

+     """

+     try:

+         tarfp = tarfile.open(tarfile_path, "r:xz")

+     except FileNotFoundError:

+         yield None

+     else:

+         with tarfp:

+             tarfp.extractall()

+             yield tarfp



+ @pytest.fixture

+ def raw_db_tar(tmp_path_cwd):

+     yield from _test_tarfile_factory(TEST_DATA_DIR / "test_result_cmp.tar.xz")



+ @pytest.fixture

+ def totals_db_tar(tmp_path_cwd):

+     yield from _test_tarfile_factory(TEST_DATA_DIR / "countme_totals.tar.xz")



+ class Args(NamedTuple):

+     countme_totals: Any

+     countme_raw: Any

+     progress: bool

+     csv_dump: Any

+     sqlite: str



+ def test_count_totals(tmp_path_cwd, raw_db_tar, totals_db_tar):

+     if not raw_db_tar or not totals_db_tar:

+         pytest.skip("Test data not found")

+     args = Args(

+         countme_totals=str(tmp_path_cwd / "test_result_totals.db"),

+         countme_raw=str(tmp_path_cwd / "test_result_cmp.db"),

+         progress=False,

+         csv_dump=False,

+         sqlite=str(tmp_path_cwd / "test_result_totals"),

+     )

+     totals(args)

+     db = sqlite3.connect(args.sqlite)

+     tmp_db = tmp_path_cwd / "countme_totals"

+     db.execute(f"ATTACH DATABASE '{tmp_db}' AS test_db;")

+     rows_missing = db.execute(

+         "select * from test_db.countme_totals except select * from countme_totals;"

+     )

+     missing = rows_missing.fetchone()

+     rows_extra = db.execute(

+         "select * from countme_totals except select * from test_db.countme_totals;"

+     )

+     extra = rows_extra.fetchone()

+     assert (

+         missing is None and extra is None

+     ), f"When comparing db's\n {missing} was missing and\n {extra} was extra"

Added an integration test that covers countme_totals.py.
Relevant issue: #13

Build succeeded.

Went over it again and I think it looks good enough.

Pull-Request has been merged by asaleh

3 years ago