#27 introduce Boltron release page
Closed 7 years ago by nphilipp. Opened 7 years ago by asamalik.

@@ -24,21 +24,37 @@ 




-     <div class="small-jumbotron small-jumbdotron-white">

+     <div class="small-jumbotron small-jumbotron-boltron">

+       <div class="container">

+         <h2> Boltron is coming! </h2>

+         <p> We are building a <b>modular prototype</b>. Follow the progress, try it, and give us feedback.</p>

+         <p><a class="btn btn-boltron" href="{{ pathto('prototype/boltron.html', 1) }}" role="button">Fedora 26 Boltron Server</a></p>

+       </div>

+     </div>


+     <div class="small-jumbotron small-jumbotron-white">

+       <div class="container">

+         <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">

+           <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hwsZ1Ob2bgs?rel=0&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

+         </div>

+       </div>

+     </div>


+     <div class="small-jumbotron small-jumbotron-shadow">

        <div class="container">

          <h2> When you want a rolling release. But not really. </h2>


-         <p>  How do I get a <strong>cutting-edge runtime for my CI/CD front-end</strong> along with a <strong>stable database</strong>? </p>

+         <p>  How do I get a <strong>cutting-edge runtime </strong> along with a <strong>stable database</strong>? </p>


          <div class="row text-center">

            <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">

              <div class="viz-distro">

-               <h3> Rolling Release </h3>

+               <h3> Fast Release </h3>

                <div class="viz-component viz-component-new">

                  new app runtime


                <div class="viz-component viz-component-old">

-                 unstable database

+                 new database


                <div class="viz-component viz-component-new">

                  new kernel
@@ -47,7 +63,7 @@ 


            <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">

              <div class="viz-distro">

-               <h3> LTS </h3>

+               <h3> Stable Release </h3>

                <div class="viz-component viz-component-old">

                  old app runtime

@@ -81,28 +97,16 @@ 




-         <p> Modularity separates the HW part (<strong>Base Runtime</strong>) of the application part (<strong>Modules</strong>). Different modules can have different goals like new features, stability, or security. It's up to you to choose the right ones. </p>

+         <p> Modularity separates the hardware side (<strong>Base Runtime</strong>) from the application side (<strong>Modules</strong>). Different modules can have different goals like a specific <strong>version</strong>, <strong>stability</strong>, or closely <strong>following upstream</strong>.</p>





-     <div class="small-jumbotron small-jumbotron-black">

-       <div class="container">

-         <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">

-           <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xNLhcYEMgO0?rel=0&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

-         </div>

-       </div>

-     </div>


-     <div class="small-jumbotron small-jumbotron-white">

-       <div class="container">

-         <h2>About Modularity</h2>

-         <p>Modularity (formerly, Modularization) is an ongoing initiative in Fedora to resolve the issue of divergent, occasionally conflicting lifecycles of different components. A module provides functionality (for instance a web server) and includes well-integrated and -tested components (for instance Apache httpd and the libraries on which it depends). Modules can be deployed into production in various ways, for instance as "classic" RPM packages or a container image, and is updated as a whole. Different modules can emphasize new features, stability, security, etc. differently.</p>

-         <p><a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ pathto('docs.html', 1) }}" role="button">Learn about the project</a></p>

-       </div>

-     </div>


-     <div class="small-jumbotron small-jumbotron-shadow">



+     <div class="small-jumbotron small-jumbotron-white">

        <div class="container">

          <h2>Follow our progress</h2>

          <p>We post regular updates to our <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4O8G9SZwqtkIAuKcT8-JpQ">Fedora Modularity YouTube Channel</a>.</p>
@@ -110,7 +114,7 @@ 




-     <div class="small-jumbotron small-jumbotron-white">

+     <div class="small-jumbotron small-jumbotron-shadow">

        <div class="container">

          <h2>Get in touch!</h2>

  	<p>Come to our <a href="https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/modularity/">regular meeting</a>, ask us on the <a href="https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/search?mlist=devel%40lists.fedoraproject.org&q=%5Bmodularity%5D">mailing list</a>, or discuss on our <a href="irc://freenode/fedora-modularity">IRC channel</a>. </p>

@@ -188,13 +188,25 @@ 

    border-color: #072b61;



+ a.btn-boltron {

+   background-color: #ad4a73;

+   border-color: #ad4a73;

+   color: white;

+ }


+ a.btn-boltron:hover {

+   background-color: #6f2443;

+   border-color: #6f2443;

+   color: white;

+ }


  div.small-jumbotron {

    padding: 30px 0;

    font-size: 1.2em;



  div.small-jumbotron h2 {


+   margin-top: 4px;



  div.small-jumbotron-white {
@@ -209,10 +221,15 @@ 

    color: white;



+ div.small-jumbotron-boltron {

+   background-color: #942653;

+   color: white;

+ }



  div.viz-distro {

    border-radius: 10px;

-   background-color: #e6e6e6;

+   background-color: #ccc;

    padding: 10px 0 1px;

    font-size: 16px;

    margin: 40px 0;
@@ -239,7 +256,7 @@ 



  div.viz-component-module {

-   background-color: #a4560a;

+   background-color: #b16d2b;

    height: 82px;

    padding-top: 30px;


file modified
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ 




+ .. toctree::

+     :caption: Prototype


+     prototype/boltron



  .. toctree::

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ 

+ Fedora 26 Boltron Server

+ ========================


+ Boltron is an upcoming prototype of Fedora Modularity. A formal description is documented in `Changes/Modular Server Preview <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Modular_Server_Preview>`__ on the Fedora wiki. **This page tracks the progress** of the release.



+ Modules in Boltron

+ ------------------


+ The following is a list of modules that we have completed:


+ - `PHP <https://github.com/modularity-modules/php>`__

+ - `httpd <https://github.com/modularity-modules/httpd>`__

+ - `nginx <https://github.com/modularity-modules/nginx>`__

+ - `memcached <https://github.com/modularity-modules/memcached>`__

+ - `haproxy <https://github.com/modularity-modules/haproxy>`__

+ - `source-to-image <https://github.com/modularity-modules/source-to-image>`__

+ - `PERL <https://github.com/modularity-modules/perl>`__

+ - `dhcp-server <https://github.com/modularity-modules/dhcp-server>`__

+ - `postfix <https://github.com/modularity-modules/postfix>`__

+ - `container-runtime <https://github.com/modularity-modules/container-runtime>`__

+ - `MariaDB <https://github.com/modularity-modules/mariadb>`__

+ - `MongoDB <https://github.com/modularity-modules/mongodb>`__

+ - `PostgreSQL <https://github.com/modularity-modules/postgresql>`__



+ For more information about individual modules - both completed and in progress - see the `Fedora Modularity: Modules GitHub space <https://github.com/modularity-modules>`__.


+ DNF prototype

+ -------------


+ If you want to try the DNF prototype or any of the modules above, please refer to the `DNF Modularity Prototype repository <https://github.com/container-images/dnf-modularity-prototype>`__ or get the image directly from Docker hub:


+ ::


+     $ docker pull jamesantill/flat-modules-dnf


+ Then start the container using this image with an interactive shell:


+ ::


+     $ docker run --rm -it jamesantill/flat-modules-dnf /bin/bash


+ You can list the available modules:


+ ::


+     $ dnf module list


+ And install some. All of the modules mentioned above should work. Please note that not all modules listed by the previous command will work at the moment.


+ ::


+     $ dnf install nodejs

I have added a page for tracking the Boltron release and linked it from the homepage.

Also, I have changed the vieo on the homepage to a more current one.

I'd get rid of the white space between tags and their content, this sometimes leads to weird formatting (in my experience).

Whoever is working on this... I don't expect you to test the CSS changes I have made. The PR is primarily about the content change. I'm responsible for CSS and I make sure it works fine. I just couldn't push the CSS separately as it's tight to the Boltron banner on the homepage.

@nphilipp Saw your comments about spaces in HTML tags. Let me fix that for the whole website after we merge this.

  • "is an upcoming"
  • "This page tracks…" -- it does this now and in the future (at least, it's supposed to)
  • "separates the hardware side (…) from the application side (…)"
  • "like a specific version"
  • "following upstream" → "closely following upstream"?

@nphilipp Saw your comments about spaces in HTML tags. Let me fix that for the whole website after we merge this.

Agreed. I'm through for the moment.

1 new commit added

  • cosmetic changes on the Boltron page
7 years ago

Applied all your suggestions - thanks for making my work better ;)

Pull-Request has been closed by nphilipp

7 years ago