#152 Oganizational blog on neurofedora.github.io
Closed: Fixed 5 years ago by ankursinha. Opened 5 years ago by ankursinha.

We have a neurofedora organization on Github that @ignatenkobrain had kindly set up for us. (Please comment here with your github usernames and I will add you to it).

What do the team think of us setting up a pelican based organization blog on github? We could even move to GitLab if people prefer?

Currently, I write updates on my personal blog here, but if we move to an organizational blog, all of us can write updates :)

This will NOT be for documentation. Documentation will be on docs.fp.o once we get it set up.

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue tagged with: S: Next meeting

5 years ago

At the 2019-11-01 meeting, we agreed that we don't currently need this. I will continue to write updates on my personal blog for the time being.

To sort of have some presence on GH, I'll set up a static page that redirects to our communication channels and so on.

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue untagged with: S: Next meeting
- Issue tagged with: S: WIP

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue assigned to ankursinha

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue assigned to pac23 (was: ankursinha)

5 years ago

We have this up: https://neurofedora.github.io. I've added it to the fedora planet, and I've updated our docs to mention it too. In the future, we'll push NeuroFedora updates here instead of our personal blogs. Everyone with write access to the repos can write here.

I've picked (and slightly tweaked) a pelican theme. It works, but it isn't complete enough on mobile devices. An issue has been filed upstream. Please feel free to tinker with our fork, and when possible, send these changes upstream too. Closing this ticket now.

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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