#222 New 'packager sponsor' request: mayorga
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by mayorga.

Hi, I would like to become sponsor. I am packaging for Fedora and EPEL for two years and I am currently maintaining / co-maintaining 19 packages.

My reviews: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?component=Package%20Review&email1=e%40mayorgalinux.com&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&list_id=3712253&query_format=advanced

I'm not in the group of sponsors of new packers, so I do not have vote for this ticket, I just want to emphasize that I consider Eduardo a good packager, he has made many revisions to my packages and he is always active in informal reviews so I think is a good prospect to be a Sponsor New Packers and can help attract more packagers in Latam.

+1 from me here… There are about 5 or 6 recent real nice reviews in his list. Next thing is: There are pretty few sponsors in LATAM, so another helping hand would be good over there.

As sponsor of @mayorga, I have seen the growth of him as packager, +1 from me, I'm sure that he will very well.

Edurado is a well-motivated, friendly and diligent person. He responds well to critique and learned a lot in the 2 years.

While I think some of the reviews could have been more critic, I greatly appreciate that he cares about doing that many reviews; As we all know, it's not always a fun or easy thing to do.

I think having him as a sponsor will be a benefit to Fedora.


It's been a week and I see +4 and no negative votes, so you are now a packager sponsor. ;)

Use your powers for good.

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