#477 Please fill-in your sponsor information
Closed: accepted 2 years ago by frostyx. Opened 2 years ago by frostyx.

my apologies for abusing this issue tracker but it is a convenient way to address all packager sponsors without bothering other people (on mailing lists or something)

I am happy to announce that I deployed this little site

Please, set up your sponsor information (your areas of interest and native languages that you speak). It will take only a couple of minutes, scouts honor.

The tutorial on how to do so can be found here

You can see @kevin's and @jjames's configuration as an example. Thank you guys.


I will keep this issue open for two weeks and then close,
don't worry :-)

This is awesome, thanks! One question -- if I want to add a language that's not in languages.yaml yet, should I do a PR for it first before putting it in my sponsor.yaml file?

One question -- if I want to add a language that's not in languages.yaml yet, should I do a PR for it first before putting it in my sponsor.yaml file?

Exactly. The same goes for interests.yaml

created https://github.com/FrostyX/fedora-sponsors/pull/1 (fix typos) and https://github.com/FrostyX/fedora-sponsors/pull/2 (add Indonesian)

Thank you for the PRs! :-)

Thanks! I’m preparing my sponsor.yaml right now.

One question: the header of https://github.com/FrostyX/fedora-sponsors/blob/main/languages.yaml refers to “native, non-english languages”, but english is among the options, and some sponsors have added it to their profiles (including the two you gave as examples). Did you intend for people to list English, or not?

Thanks! I’m preparing my sponsor.yaml right now.

Glad to hear that

Did you intend for people to list English, or not?

Frankly, I didn't. From my POV every sponsor has to know English on a decent level in order to understand the documentation so listing the English section seems unnecessary to me.

Maybe I will comment out the -id: english from languages.yaml with some note and hide the section by doing so. What do you think?

Nevertheless, you can't do anything wrong by putting english into your sponsor.yaml.

Frankly, I didn't. From my POV every sponsor has to know English on a decent level in order to understand the documentation so listing the English section seems unnecessary to me.

Yeah, I think we can expect sponsors to be proficient in English ;-)

I think there's a few levels of fluency and comfort possible: passive communication in English (e.g. reading the packaging guidelines and code comments, etc), active-but-self-paced communication (e.g. an occasional mail on fedora-devel or a bugzilla comment), active communication (irc, other messaging), and spoken language at different levels (e.g. a presentation is rather different than a phone conversation). I think it's fine to assume that sponsors must be fine with the first two, but we shouldn't assume the rest. I think we should treat listing "english" (or any other language) in the list as a sign that the sponsor is comfortable with using that language in the sponsorship process. Not assuming that English is a given allows us to have more sponsors on the list, and to match such sponsors who are fluent in other languages better to the prospective packagers.

@zbyszek, thank you for the comment, that's a really good point of view.
Let's keep the English section visible.

Thank you all for the contributions, so far these of you created their sponsor.yaml configuration files:

Found config for kevin
Found config for limb
Found config for ignatenkobrain
Found config for jamatos
Found config for churchyard
Found config for pwouters
Found config for zbyszek
Found config for vascom
Found config for rathann
Found config for ankursinha
Found config for jjames
Found config for salimma
Found config for rishi
Found config for robert
Found config for defolos
Found config for music

If you created your configuration file and don't see yourself in the list, please let me know and we will see what went wrong. If you haven't created your configuration file, please consider doing so :-)

Anyway, I am closing the issue as it is open for two weeks already.

Metadata Update from @frostyx:
- Issue close_status updated to: accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

Missed that bug, I added a sponsor.yaml to my fdp space with:

- command-line
- desktop
- golang
- rust

- english
- french

Is this everything I need to do?

Is this everything I need to do?

Indeed. You are already listed on the page.

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