#625 Sponsor a sponsor? jforbes
Closed: accepted 8 months ago by kevin. Opened 8 months ago by jforbes.

As the Fedora kernel maintainer, I get a lot of internal developers coming to me asking how to become a package for Fedora. While it is not a problem for me to find someone willing to sponsor them usually, it just makes sense that I could also sponsor them myself. As much as I encourage people internally to get involved in Fedora, it makes sense that I should be able to help facilitate that as much as possible.

Metadata Update from @ngompa:
- Issue tagged with: becoming a sponsor

8 months ago

outside of the kernel, do you have any sample of packaging experience/reviews/etc.?

I maintained the entire virt stack for a few years, including bringing in new packages for several virt tools. I am a proven packager. I have reviewed a few packages for others. Prior to my current 15 year stint in the project, I maintained all of rPath Linux, and a good amount of Foresight Linux. Before that, I ported Fedora Core 1 to x86_64, which required a considerable amount of package contribution across the distro to get things working, though this was admittedly before we had so many formalized contribution processes.

Yeah, I am convinced. +1


We already trust you to commit to (almost) every package in Fedora, you have people coming to you asking to get sponsored, and you are willing to do that job, so I do not see any reason why we would say "no".

+1 Having the kernel maintainer mentor kernel people to help maintain the package is great because in and of itself the kernel.spec is a artwork that isn't easy to understand!

I thought you were a sponsor already.

I thought you were already a sponsor.


Its been over a week and I see 25 +1's and no -1's. :)

I've added you as a manager of the packager group. Use your new powers wisely!

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

8 months ago

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