#651 Requesting sponsorship for cjp256
Closed: accepted a month ago by ngompa. Opened a month ago by frostyx.

A Fedora Review ticket was approved and requires a sponsor.

RHBZ: 2278907
Package: azure-nvme-utils - Utilities to assist managing NVMe devices on Azure
Contributor: cjp256@gmail.com (FAS @cjp256)
Reviewer: Neil Hanlon

This ticket was created by the fedora-review-service

Hello @cjp256,
please let us know if you already found a sponsor somewhere else. In
such case we can assign the correct person to this ticket and not
interfere with their process.

Feel free take this opportunity to also say a few words about
yourself. It is not mandatory so you don't have to, but it will help
us form a human connection.

Thank you @frostyx!

I am indeed looking for a sponsor. I work for Microsoft on a team that is responsible for provisioning Linux VMs in Azure. I am a contributor to cloud-init and helped host last year's summit in Redmond. I am motivated to improve the Linux experience on Azure, for all distributions including Fedora. I previously did some work to enable Azure cloud images for Fedora:

I would appreciate any efforts to sponsor me and our work to improve the Fedora experience on Azure. Thanks!

I'm happy to sponsor.

This is done. @cjp256, feel free to reach out on #cloud:fedoraproject.org matrix room.

Metadata Update from @ngompa:
- Issue close_status updated to: accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a month ago

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