Currently in we have some snippet to run update for GSettings Schema and also some other useful stuff, but we need to update guidelines, because for that we have file triggers in RPM.
I will try to make some draft to propose, so this is just to not forget ;)
I'm going to leave this off the official Schedule this week, and move to needinfo, but we can always discuss it anyway if there is a draft.
This is really part of a bigger effort, and I'm sure there's already a ticket open for keeping track of all of the file triggers. I think this should just be closed as a dup of that one.
I'm trying to refresh my context on FPC stuff today, and so if I find a list of currently implemented file triggers, I'll just go ahead and make notes on the scriptlets page about them.
#636 Various scriptlets no longer needed in F-24+
#566 RPM file triggers
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