#1207 Ruby: update instructions for checking out excluded tests
Opened 2 years ago by jackorp. Modified 2 years ago
jackorp/packaging-committee update-excluded-tests  into  master

@@ -532,9 +532,8 @@ 

  Sometimes you have to get the tests separately from upstream's gem package. As an example lets suppose you're packaging `rubygem-delorean`, version 1.2.0, which is hosted on Github. Tests are not included in the Gem itself, so you need to get them and adjust the specfile accordingly:



- # git clone https://github.com/bebanjo/delorean.git && cd delorean

- # git checkout v1.2.0

- # tar -czf rubygem-delorean-1.2.0-specs.tgz spec/

+ # git clone --no-checkout https://github.com/bebanjo/delorean.git

+ # git -C delorean archive -v -o rubygem-delorean-1.2.0-specs.tgz v1.2.0 spec

  Source1: %{name}-%{version}-specs.tgz


  # ...

Some time ago, we started using and recommending the shorter 2-line version for use in Ruby packages when the test suite is missing the gem.

This PR brings the documentation up to speed with today's practices in rubygem packaging.

@vondruch JFYI.

See #1046 earlier attempt for basically the same change.
It gathered a surprising amount of discussion, but did not go anywhere.
I hope this attempt fares better!

Oh no, I wasn't aware of that PR.

Metadata Update from @tibbs:
- Pull-request tagged with: meeting

2 years ago

Tagging as meeting because this deserves consideration but concerns were raised in the related PR. I do not personally understand the issues involved.