#1332 Update guidelines/modules/ROOT/pages/what-can-be-packaged.adoc
Opened 3 months ago by jlovejoy. Modified 3 months ago
jlovejoy/packaging-committee jl-packaging-firmware  into  master

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  = What can be packaged

  :packaging-committee: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging_Committee[Packaging Committee]

- :legal-team: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal:Main[Legal Team]

+ :legal-team: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/[Legal Team]

  :kernel-team: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Kernel[Kernel Team]



- Not everything can be packaged in Fedora. Most things considered to be "free software" or "open source software" are permitted, but definitions of these are not always consistent and Fedora has a few specific requirements and exceptions. This is an overview of some specific requirements and exceptions, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. If questions arise, the {packaging-committee} and the {legal-team} are the primary places to receive answers.

+ Not everything can be packaged in Fedora. Most things considered to be "free software" or "open source software" 

+ are permitted, but definitions of these are not always consistent and Fedora has a few specific requirements 

+ and exceptions. This is an overview of some specific requirements and exceptions, but it is not intended to be 

+ exhaustive. If questions arise, the {packaging-committee} and the {legal-team} are the primary places to receive answers.


  == Legal Issues


- Some software (or in some cases, portions of that software) cannot be packaged for legal reasons. This includes issues related to licensing, patents, trademark law, etc.

+ Some software (or in some cases, portions of that software) cannot be packaged for legal reasons. 

+ This includes issues related to licensing, patents, trademark law, etc.


  See the following pages for various examples.


- * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal:Main

- * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal:Licenses

- * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Forbidden_items

+ * https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/

+ * https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/license-approval/

+ * https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/allowed-licenses/


  == Impermissible Content

@@ -90,7 +94,11 @@ 

  === Exceptions


  * Some software (usually related to compilers or cross-compiler environments) cannot be built without the use of a previous toolchain or development environment (open source). If you have a package which meets this criteria, contact the Fedora Packaging Committee for approval. Please note that this exception, if granted, is limited to only the initial build of the package. You may bootstrap this build with a "bootstrap" pre-built binary, but after this is complete, you must immediately increment Release, drop the "bootstrap" pre-built binary, and build completely from source. Bootstrapped packages containing pre-built "bootstrap" binaries must not be pushed as release packages or updates under any circumstances. These packages should contain the necessary logic to be built once bootstrapping is completed and the prebuilt programs are no longer needed. Information about how you should break circular dependencies by bootstrapping can be found xref:index.adoc#bootstrapping[here].

- * An exception is made for binary firmware, as long as it meets the requirements documented https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing:Main#Binary_Firmware[here].

+ * An exception is made for binary firmware, as long as it meets the following technical requirements and the licensing requirements documented https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/license-approval/#_licenses_allowed_for_firmware[here].

+ ** The files must be non-executable within the Fedora Linux context (note: this means that the files cannot run on their own, not that they are just chmod -x)

+ ** The files must not be libraries, within the Fedora Linux context

+ ** The files must be standalone, not embedded in executable or library code (within the Fedora Linux context)

+ ** The files must be necessary for the functionality of open source code being included in Fedora Linux or to enable Fedora Linux to boot on a specific device, where no other reliable and supported mechanisms exist

  * Some pre-packaged program binaries or program libraries may be under terms which do not permit redistribution, or be affected by legal scenarios such as patents. In such situations, simply deleting these files in %prep is not sufficient, the maintainer will need to make a modified source that does not contain these files. See: xref:SourceURL.adoc#when-upstream-uses-prohibited-code[When Upstream uses Prohibited Code].



This is an update to fix old links related to Fedora legal and licensing info. And move the technical requirements for firmware in Fedora which have been living in the licensing documentation, but are more appropriate here.

(I also added some line breaks to make it easier to read when using Pagure web UI, but if that is wrong to do, I can remove)

Signed-off-by: Jilayne Lovejoy

@ref and @mattdm for awareness. this is moving the "firmware technical" requirements off this page https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/license-approval/#_licenses_allowed_for_firmware as that was never quite appropriate and this location seems more like it is the right place.
