#123 Let group members manage the package
Opened 3 years ago by vondruch. Modified 3 years ago

Being member of @ruby-packagers-sig group, I cannot manage packages, where the group has admin privileges. This is annoying, because typically, I'd like to (at minimum) be able to remove the group from the package. This would be especially when the package is orphaned and the group is the last member (i know I can take the package temporarily and orphan it once again, but ...)

Being member of @ruby-packagers-sig group, I cannot manage packages, where the group has admin privileges.

Hm, this sounds odd, we'll need to double check the code.

This would be especially when the package is orphaned and the group is the last member (i know I can take the package temporarily and orphan it once again, but ...)

We now have a process that cleans retired packages from co-maintainers on a monthly basis.
So if the package gets retired, the 1st of the following month, the group should be removed from the package (that is once pagure 5.12 will have been released and deployed as the API endpoint to remove groups from project was not working so far... :( ).

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