#146 "Monitoring status" is unclear
Opened 2 years ago by ktdreyer. Modified 2 years ago

For new users looking at a single package web UI in dist-git, the "Monitoring status" setting is confusing.

  • What is this monitoring?
  • Who is monitoring?
  • What does it mean if something's monitored?
  • If something's not monitored, does it mean it's unmaintained?

I know it's The New Hotness, but it's not easy for a casual user to discover this.

Can we link to a Fedora documentation page that describes this?

the-new-hotness points the user to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/upstream_release_monitoring or do you mean the-new-hotness documentation itself. I'm not sure what would be a good explanation url for new user. Both of them aren't up to date.

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