#43 How to deal with sources for rebase PR?
Opened 6 years ago by vondruch. Modified 2 years ago

I've received this PR [1]. Everything looks good for merge, but there is not updated the sources file. If I merged the PR, it means that the master is not buildable.

If I request the submitter to update the sources file, then still, are the sources available in look-aside cache or not?

It would be probably useful if the PR cannot be merged when "sources" is updated, but the source files are not available.

Alternatively, the merge could trigger the download of the files from specified URLs and check for the checksums ...

Of course all these should be covered by CI somehow ... not really sure ...

The current workflow is not really complete for such scenario and it limits usefulness of rebase PR :/

Well, it is simple enough to merge the PR and run git pull && fedpkg sources on your local clone. You can't build from pagure anyway so you'll have to update your clone :)

Implementing the changes you're proposing are definitely not straight forward.

Well, if there are custom sources, is neither that simple as you say.

Another idea: If there was attached Koji scratch build and the sources file matches the files from Koji SRPM, the sources could be imported from the Koji build ...

I think the thing most people have settled on is to update the sources in the PR, but not upload the source. That way the maintainer can check that it's correct by uploading it and making sure the checksum matches?

But I'm pretty sure we don't want to do any kind of automatic upload here.

I think the thing most people have settled on is to update the sources in the PR, but not upload the source. That way the maintainer can check that it's correct by uploading it and making sure the checksum matches?

But I'm pretty sure we don't want to do any kind of automatic upload here.

Would you please mind to elaborate your reasoning why not? And what are the alternatives from those mentioned which would be acceptable?

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