#14 A push to a fork is considered as affecting the main package
Opened 4 months ago by abompard. Modified 2 months ago

When pushing to a fork, the main GitMessage schema will use _name_if_namespace to populate the packages property, and this will return the name of the packaged the repo was forked from. As a result the maintainers of the main package will get notified of what happens in the fork.

The method should check whether the commit has been made to a fork.

Example: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/v2/id?id=a716a8cd-2a5f-4cad-96ad-a40eafda036a&is_raw=true&size=extra-large caused a notification to be sent to Vit, as reported in https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11687#comment-889972

I can take my chance on this if possible.

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