#2448 Provide a set of Python bindings to the API
Closed: Fixed a year ago by wombelix. Opened 6 years ago by jcline.

Now that many services are starting to use the Pagure API, it would be good to have some "official" (in the pagure repo/group) Python client bindings to the REST API. This way each project doesn't have to re-implement the portion of the API they use.

It would be good if they:

  • Were a separate Python package

  • Supported Python 2.7-3.6

A good place for design inspiration might be Ian Codasco's API for GitHub

There is https://pagure.io/libpagure but It is not really looked after :(

Metadata Update from @pingou:
- Issue tagged with: RFE

6 years ago

@pingou what's the RFE in this? :p libpagure needs update that is one thing.

I know that you requested an official one, but I would like to point out that we've created a Python library, that has one API for Pagure, GitHub and GitLab:


We use it in multiple projects (e.g. packit and release-bot) and our team actively works on that.

https://github.com/packit-service/ogr seem still maintained and to be a solution for now, I don't think something "official" is required at this point and no one was working on something within the last years.

Metadata Update from @wombelix:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

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