#2479 Quoting quoted messages in issues/PRs should result in further levels of indentions.
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by pingou. Opened 7 years ago by bex.

For example, consider this line:

Here is the note from message one

When I choose to reply to the comment I get this:

> Here is the note from message one

Which renders properly as

Here is the note from message one

With my reply here

But now when I reply I get this:

> Here is the note from message one
> With my reply here

Which renders as:

Here is the note from message one

With my reply here

I think it should be this:

> > Here is the note from message one
> With my reply here

Which renders as

Here is the note from message one

With my reply here

This is likely not going to be easy (if even possible) as I fear this built in python-markdown itself.

Metadata Update from @pingou:
- Issue tagged with: RFE, wishful

7 years ago

Wouldn't you be able to do something like sed 's/^> /> > / on the input to python-markdown, assuming python-markdown does quoting internally?

We can work on this. The > are generated on frontside with javascript + regexp. We could change it to support multi > when needed

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