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The instructions for new PRs ask to run ./runtests.sh before filing a new PR. Runing all tests for pagure seems to take quite a lot of time. It is running for more than 10 minutes on recently purchased notebook. Also for test-driven development it would be nice to be able to run tests more often. Would it be possible to have a way to exclude slow tests somehow easily?
The test suite runs in more than 30 minutes on my machine.
Would it be possible to have a way to exclude slow tests somehow easily?
You can just ./runtest.sh <file> or even run a single test with ./runtest.sh <file>:ClassName.method
./runtest.sh <file>
./runtest.sh <file>:ClassName.method
But afaik there isn't a way to exclude a test.
Looks like the ./runtest.sh <file> could also be documented there: https://docs.pagure.org/pagure/development.html#unit-tests
Metadata Update from @pingou: - Issue tagged with: doc, easyfix
Metadata Update from @pingou: - Issue assigned to pingou
Commit 52c0767 fixes this issue
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