#3075 Diff view line comments needs improvement
Closed: Duplicate 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by bex.

My experience is that comment on lines in diff view has two challenges:

  1. If you leave multiple comments at one time and then hit comment on one of them, only the last one is retained. The other line comments are silently discarded.

  2. Making a comment in diff view returns you to the PR, not diff view so commenting on multiple lines is a tedious multiple click process

Making a comment in diff view returns you to the PR, not diff view so commenting on multiple lines is a tedious multiple click process

This seemed to be an issue with stunnel, I restarted it and we should be back in business there :)

If you leave multiple comments at one time and then hit comment on one of them, only the last one is retained. The other line comments are silently discarded.

I think this is the "Review" feature asked in: #3036

So I'm inclined to close this one as Duplicate, what do you think?

It is related and would be fixed by that issue closing. I am ok with marking this as a dup, but can we somehow note the extra request in that ticket to try to get it a higher priority?

I'll add a comment there linking to this ticket.


Metadata Update from @pingou:
- Issue close_status updated to: Duplicate

6 years ago

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