#4423 Include a small introduction text to email on loading files
Merged 5 years ago by pingou. Opened 5 years ago by pingou.

file modified
+8 -1
@@ -308,7 +308,14 @@ 

      file_list = set(get_files_to_load(project.fullname, commits, abspath))

      n = len(file_list)

      _log.info("LOADJSON: %s files to process" % n)

-     mail_body = []

+     mail_body = [

+         "Good Morning",

+         "",

+         "This is the log of loading all the files pushed in the git repo into",

+         "the database. It should ignore files that are not JSON files, this",

+         "is fine.",

+         "",

+     ]


      for idx, filename in enumerate(sorted(file_list)):


@@ -332,6 +332,11 @@ 


          calls = [


+                 u'Good Morning\n\n'

+                 u'This is the log of loading all the files pushed in the git '

+                 u'repo into\n'

+                 u'the database. It should ignore files that are not JSON files,'

+                 u' this\nis fine.\n\n'

                  u'Loading: file1 -- 1/2 ... ... Done\n'

                  u'Loading: file2 -- 2/2 ... ... Done',

                  u'Issue import report',
@@ -380,6 +385,11 @@ 


          calls = [


+                 u'Good Morning\n\n'

+                 u'This is the log of loading all the files pushed in the git '

+                 u'repo into\n'

+                 u'the database. It should ignore files that are not JSON files,'

+                 u' this\nis fine.\n\n'

                  u'Loading: file1 -- 1/2 ... ... FAILED\n',

                  u'Issue import report',

@@ -805,6 +815,11 @@ 


          calls = [


+                 u'Good Morning\n\n'

+                 u'This is the log of loading all the files pushed in the git '

+                 u'repo into\n'

+                 u'the database. It should ignore files that are not JSON files,'

+                 u' this\nis fine.\n\n'

                  u'Loading: %s -- 1/1 ... ... Done' % issue.uid,

                  u'Issue import report',


Basically, this introduce the rest of the email which will contain
the log about loading the JSON files pushed to the git repositories
to the DB, thus allowing to update tickets/PRs from the git repos.

Signed-off-by: Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr

rebased onto 253d95f72ee93671a00767af50767dbea1f9d49a

5 years ago

rebased onto b776534d9db82a17b63dfebc52d9b18d4c20f496

5 years ago

rebased onto 6b7c8d8

5 years ago

@lenkaseg for example this PR passes CI w/o the black fixes :s

Thanks for the review :)

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

5 years ago