#5008 Split the list of branches into two lists active/inactive in dist-git
Merged 3 years ago by pingou. Opened 3 years ago by pingou.

@@ -24,95 +24,112 @@ 

      <h3 class="font-weight-bold">

      Branches <span class="badge badge-secondary">{{g.branches|length}}</span>


-     <div class="list-group">

-         {% if head %}

-         <div id="branch-{{ head }}" class="list-group-item">

-             <div class="row align-items-center">

-                 <div class="col">

-                     <span class="fa fa-random fa-fw text-muted"></span>

-                     <a href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_tree',

-                         repo=repo.name,

-                         username=username,

-                         namespace=repo.namespace,

-                         identifier=head) }}"

-                         title="{{ head }}" data-toggle="tooltip"

-                         class="font-weight-bold">

-                         {{ head }}

-                     </a>

-                 </div>

-                 <div class="col-xs-auto pl-2">

-                     <button class="btn btn-outline-light bg-white border-white" title="this is the default branch for this project">

-                     <span class="fa fa-star fa-fw text-warning"></span>

-                     </button>

-                 </div>

-             </div>

-         </div>

-         {% endif %}


-         {% for branch in g.branches if branch != head %}

-         <div id="branch-{{ branch | replace('/', '__')}}" class="list-group-item">

-                 <div class="row align-items-center">

-                     <div class="col">

-                         <span class="fa fa-random fa-fw text-muted"></span>

-                         <a class="font-weight-bold" href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_tree',

-                             repo=repo.name,

-                             username=username,

-                             namespace=repo.namespace,

-                             identifier=branch) }}"

-                             title="{{ branch }}" data-toggle="tooltip">{{ branch }}

-                         </a>

-                         <small class="text-muted commits_ahead_label"></small>

-                     </div>

-                     <div class="col-xs-auto pr-2">

-                             <div class="branch_del">

-                                 <div class="btn-group">

-                                     <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_tree',

-                                         repo=repo.name,

-                                         username=username,

-                                         namespace=repo.namespace,

-                                         identifier=branch) }}"

-                                         title="view code tree for this branch">

-                                     <i class="fa fa-fw fa-file-code-o"></i>

-                                     </a>

-                                     <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_commits',

-                                         repo=repo.name,

-                                         username=username,

-                                         namespace=repo.namespace,

-                                         branchname=branch) }}"

-                                         title="view commit list for this branch">

-                                     <i class="fa fa-fw fa-list-alt"></i>

-                                     </a>

-                                 </div>

-                                 {% if g.repo_committer and branch != head

-                                       and (

-                                         config.get('ALLOW_DELETE_BRANCH', True)

-                                         or repo.is_fork) %}

-                                     <form id="delete_branch_form-{{

-                                         branch | replace('/', '__') | replace('+', '___')

-                                         }}" action="{{

-                                         url_for('ui_ns.delete_branch',

-                                                 repo=repo.name,

-                                                 username=username,

-                                                 namespace=repo.namespace,

-                                                 branchname=branch)

-                                         }}" method="post" class="icon d-inline delete-branch-form" data-branch-name="{{ branch | unicode }}">

-                                         {{ g.confirmationform.csrf_token }}

-                                         <a title="Remove branch {{ branch }}" href="#"

-                                         class="btn btn-outline-danger"

-                                         onclick="$('#delete_branch_form-{{

-                                             branch | replace('/', '__') | replace('.', '\\\\.')

-                                             | replace('+', '___')

-                                             }}').submit();">

-                                         <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>

-                                         </a>

-                                     </form>

-                                 {% endif %}

-                             </div>

-                     </div>

-                 </div>

-             </div>

-         {% endfor %}

-         </div>

+     <div class="mt-3">

+       <h4 class="font-weight-bold">

+         Active branches

+         <span class="badge badge-secondary" id="active_branches_count"></span>

+       </h4>

+       <div class="list-group" id="active_branches">

+           {% if head %}

+           <div id="branch-{{ head }}" class="list-group-item">

+               <div class="row align-items-center">

+                   <div class="col">

+                       <span class="fa fa-random fa-fw text-muted"></span>

+                       <a href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_tree',

+                           repo=repo.name,

+                           username=username,

+                           namespace=repo.namespace,

+                           identifier=head) }}"

+                           title="{{ head }}" data-toggle="tooltip"

+                           class="font-weight-bold">

+                           {{ head }}

+                       </a>

+                   </div>

+                   <div class="col-xs-auto pl-2">

+                       <button class="btn btn-outline-light bg-white border-white" title="this is the default branch for this project">

+                       <span class="fa fa-star fa-fw text-warning"></span>

+                       </button>

+                   </div>

+               </div>

+           </div>

+           {% endif %}


+           {% for branch in g.branches if branch != head %}

+           <div id="branch-{{ branch | replace('/', '__')}}" class="list-group-item">

+               <div class="row align-items-center">

+                   <div class="col">

+                       <span class="fa fa-random fa-fw text-muted"></span>

+                       <a class="font-weight-bold" href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_tree',

+                           repo=repo.name,

+                           username=username,

+                           namespace=repo.namespace,

+                           identifier=branch) }}"

+                           title="{{ branch }}" data-toggle="tooltip">{{ branch }}

+                       </a>

+                       <small class="text-muted commits_ahead_label"></small>

+                   </div>

+                   <div class="col-xs-auto pr-2">

+                       <div class="branch_del">

+                           <div class="btn-group">

+                               <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_tree',

+                                   repo=repo.name,

+                                   username=username,

+                                   namespace=repo.namespace,

+                                   identifier=branch) }}"

+                                   title="view code tree for this branch">

+                               <i class="fa fa-fw fa-file-code-o"></i>

+                               </a>

+                               <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_commits',

+                                   repo=repo.name,

+                                   username=username,

+                                   namespace=repo.namespace,

+                                   branchname=branch) }}"

+                                   title="view commit list for this branch">

+                               <i class="fa fa-fw fa-list-alt"></i>

+                               </a>

+                           </div>

+                           {% if g.repo_committer and branch != head

+                                 and (

+                                   config.get('ALLOW_DELETE_BRANCH', True)

+                                   or repo.is_fork) %}

+                               <form id="delete_branch_form-{{

+                                   branch | replace('/', '__') | replace('+', '___')

+                                   }}" action="{{

+                                   url_for('ui_ns.delete_branch',

+                                           repo=repo.name,

+                                           username=username,

+                                           namespace=repo.namespace,

+                                           branchname=branch)

+                                   }}" method="post" class="icon d-inline delete-branch-form" data-branch-name="{{ branch | unicode }}">

+                                   {{ g.confirmationform.csrf_token }}

+                                   <a title="Remove branch {{ branch }}" href="#"

+                                   class="btn btn-outline-danger"

+                                   onclick="$('#delete_branch_form-{{

+                                       branch | replace('/', '__') | replace('.', '\\\\.')

+                                       | replace('+', '___')

+                                       }}').submit();">

+                                   <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>

+                                   </a>

+                               </form>

+                           {% endif %}

+                       </div>

+                   </div>

+               </div>

+           </div>

+           {% endfor %}

+       </div>

+     </div>


+     <div class="mt-3">

+       <h4 class="font-weight-bold">

+         Inactive branches

+         <span class="badge badge-secondary" id="inactive_branches_count"></span>

+       </h4>

+       <div class="list-group" id="inactive_branches">

+       </div>

+     </div>




  {% endblock %}
@@ -127,10 +144,13 @@ 

        type: 'GET',

        dataType: 'json',

        success: function(res) {

+         var act_br = $('#active_branches');

+         var inact_br = $('#inactive_branches');

          for (branch in res.results){

            branch = res.results[branch];

            var _it = $('#branch-' + branch.name);


+           inact_br.append(_it);

            if (branch.name == 'master') {

              var _t = $('.projectinfo');

              html = ' \
@@ -142,6 +162,9 @@ 

          if (res.next){




+         $('#active_branches_count').html($("#active_branches .list-group-item").length)

+         $('#inactive_branches_count').html($("#inactive_branches .list-group-item").length)




This makes it more obvious which are the active branches and which are
no longer active (based on the data stored and retrieved from PDC).

Relates to https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8390

Signed-off-by: Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr

rebased onto fca95b49bbdf6d10783ae6e52aabf242be83f2ac

3 years ago

rebased onto 6451d07

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

3 years ago