#1278 Revert "Add ostree container native images (bootc)"
Merged 13 days ago by sgallagh. Opened a month ago by siosm.
siosm/pungi-fedora eln-rm-bootc  into  eln

file modified
@@ -118,13 +118,3 @@ 




- ostree_container = {

-     "^bootc$": {


-         "config_url": "https://github.com/CentOS/centos-bootc",

-         "config_branch": "main",

-         "treefile": "fedora-bootc.yaml",

-         "arches": ["x86_64", "ppc64le", "aarch64", "s390x"],

-         "failable": ['*'],

-     }

- }

This reverts commit f536574.

Signed-off-by: Timothée Ravier tim@siosm.fr

why? what's the story here?

This is not in use today and this is no longer up-to-date, so we'll re-add it later as needed.

rebased onto a6c2296

13 days ago

Sure. Since it's eln, I usually wait for @sgallagh to merge these... ;)

I didn't notice it was for ELN (the branch isn't mentioned in the emails). Looking now.

Pull-Request has been merged by sgallagh

13 days ago

Ah, good point, I should have added the branch to the PR title. Thanks!
