#10309 Nonresponsive maintainer: snakeyaml @java-maint-sig
Closed: Get back later 2 years ago by sbluhm. Opened 2 years ago by sbluhm.


can you please add me to the EPEL maintainers? The current maintainer is not responding.

Thank you.

fas username: @java-maint-sig
package: snakeyaml
issues to fix: <links-to-open-bugs>
nonresponsive maintainer bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1993621
I am interested in comaintaining the package: yes

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

2 years ago

Hi, @sbluhm I am confused you mention add me in the ticket but then @java-maint-sig as a fas username. @java-maint-sig is already admin of the package. Do you want me to add you specifically?

@humaton , apologies. might be a misunderstanding of the template. Please add me (@sbluhm) as @java-maint-sig is unresponsive.

I want to maintain the EPEL8 package.

Thank you!

1) I don't think there's a way to declare FAS groups unresponsive. I also don't see any messages from you to the public java-devel mailing list, which would probably have been more successful than waiting for response on a bugzilla (that only select group of people are seeing)

2) If you want to go through a non-responsive maintainer process (for one of the "person" accounts with access to the package), a releng ticket is definitely not the correct path. Please follow the non-responsive maintainer policy as outlined here: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Policy_for_nonresponsive_package_maintainers/

PS: I also wonder which template you filled out when creating this ticket, because the releng pagure project doesn't have to have it. There's a FESCo ticket template for the non-responsive maintainer process, though ...

I sent a mail to java-maint-sig@lists.fedoraproject.org on 24 August. Will try the one you pointed out.

I did see a similar process to the one you linked mentioning 2 chases in bugzilla and a consecutive message to releng with the bugzilla. Can't find it anymore. Let me follow the process you linked.

Closing the ticket to follow the other process.

Metadata Update from @sbluhm:
- Issue close_status updated to: Get back later
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

Sorry about the confusing process.

Sending emails to java-maint-sig list is not a good idea, since that's a private mailing list, and your message probably got rejected because you're not a subscriber.

Anyway, the java-maint-sig is almost entirely defunct now, and I'm the only person with administrative access to the mailing list and bugzilla account (because there has been nobody to hand those keys over to, after I stopped working on Java packages) - so I apologize that your messages were ignored, because that's probably my fault.

@decathorpe , can you then give me access to the snakeyaml package for EPEL? Your reply is now confusing me even more as you seem to be the only one to be able give me access.

I am now following the week 0 instructions from the link above and created a new bugzilla and am about to write to the fedora devel list to chase up on the maintainer (which is you, according to you).

Thanks and best wishes,


Sorry for the confusion. I have only retained access to the bugzilla account and mailing list because those I could not revoke from myself. However, I am no longer a member of the @java-maint-sig group, so I cannot give you access to the package, either.

@decathorpe Would you like me to remove java-maint-sig access and bugzilla assignee overrides to all packages?

@churchyard I don't think I should make that decision, since I am no longer a member of the java-maint-sig group. Though at this point, there's approximately zero active SIG members left, so I'm not sure what to do. I'll ask on the mailing list.

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