#10381 EPEL8 builds using libusbmuxd-devel fail due to hash change
Closed: Fixed 2 years ago by tdawson. Opened 2 years ago by tdawson.

  • Describe the issue
    Since the RHEL 8.5 update, packages that build that require libusbmuxd-devel fail with the following error on x86_64
    '''GenericError: hash changed for external rpm: libusbmuxd-devel-1.0.10-9.el8.x86_64@rhel8-base (2492b7b4d5b560b5e6f7b3840f4e5c -> c9892b7b4d5b560b5e6f7b38d08f4e5c)'''
    And example is here.

  • When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • When is this no longer needed or useful? (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact?
    This is causing the KDE rebuild on epel8 to stop, fairly early on in the rebuild cycle. Due to the various dependencies, the package that requires this cannot be skipped.

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue tagged with: medium-gain, medium-trouble, ops

2 years ago

So, the problem:

koji=# select * from rpminfo where payloadhash = 'c9892b7b4d5b560b5e6f7b38d08f4e5c' OR payloadhash = '2492b7b4d5b560b5e6f7b3840f4e5c';
    id    | build_id | buildroot_id |       name       | version | release | epoch |  arch  |        
   payloadhash            | size  | buildtime  | external_repo_id | metadata_only | extra 
 27764888 |          |              | libusbmuxd-devel | 1.0.10  | 9.el8   |       | x86_64 | c9892b7
b4d5b560b5e6f7b38d08f4e5c | 10078 | 1557799201 |               47 | f             | 
 18547012 |          |              | libusbmuxd-devel | 1.0.10  | 9.el8   |       | x86_64 | 2492b7b
4d5b560b5e6f7b3840f4e5c   | 10078 | 1534083720 |               35 | f             | 
(2 rows)
✗ koji list-external-repos --id 35
External repo name        URL
------------------------- ----------------------------------------
rhel8-base                https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/repo/rhel/rhel8/koji/latest/$arch/RHEL-8-001/
✗ koji list-external-repos --id 47
External repo name        URL
------------------------- ----------------------------------------
centos-stream-8           https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/repo/centos/stream8-kojitarget/latest/$arch/CS-8-001/

So, the issue is that that exact same package is in both our rhel8 buildroot and also in centos8 with the exact same NVR. ;(

I'm not sure how to fix this.

@tkopecek any ideas for our horrible situation here? does the rhel repo hash look too short?

The centos-stream-8 external repo shouldn't be anywhere in the repos used by the build, but I suppose it's doing a global check for NVR which is supposed to be unique...

would setting these metadata_only help any?

I looked at the various packages on batcave and none of them matched the 2492b7b4d5b560b5e6f7b3840f4e5c checksum. I did find that all the RHEL8 libusbmuxd-devel packages had a checksum of c9892b7b4d5b560b5e6f7b38d08f4e5c
It was only when I compared the two lines of


that I realized that the 249 was 2 characters short AND mostly overlapped the correct checksum. My guess is that some sort of bad data got inserted into the koji database. Talking with Kevin in channel, we realized we needed to talk to the koji developers to get why this might have happeend and make sure it didn't occur elsewhere.

This has been fixed. I believe it was Kevin who manually updated the database with the correct hash. I've been able to proceed with my builds.
Thank You.

Metadata Update from @tdawson:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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