#10393 Unorphan plantuml
Closed: Get back later 2 years ago by mohanboddu. Opened 2 years ago by blaise.

  • Name of the package?
  • FAS username of the new maintainer?
  • Any extra information?

When I try to Take ownership, I get:

Unable to change the point of contact: You must be a packager to adopt a package.
- I am a new maintainer. I have attempted to become a packager in the past and I have read all the docs. 
- I need a sponsor to become a member of the packagers group.
- I'm willing to be accountable for communicating with upstream and escalating anything I can't do myself.

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

2 years ago

Hello @blaise , thank you for your interest in joining fedora packagers and sorry to hear that its taking time to be sponsored. But since you are not a package maintainer in Fedora, we cannot assign the package to you. You can create a review request and ask for the review.

Pinging @carlwgeorge as he is always been really helpful with package reviews and if I am not wrong he is also a sponsor.

Closing the ticket, please reopen the ticket once the package is reviewed/you got a sponsorship.

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue close_status updated to: Get back later
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

plantuml has the main admin set to @orphan, but there is another admin, @gil. I suggest reaching out to them first about the co-maintainer path to sponsorship.

@mohanboddu Can we get the package transferred from @orphan to @gil so it's not retired?

as I wrote in a private email, I have personal problems to solve.
if anyone wants to take on the burden of maintaining this package,
they are welcome.
otherwise I recommend withdrawing it, until my situation changes.
best regards

Sorry to hear that @gil, I hope your situation improves soon. Thanks for letting us know.

@blaise Please follow the How to Get Sponsored into the Packager Group documentation. If something isn't clear in there I suggest reaching out in the #fedora-devel channel on Libera IRC or on the Fedora devel mailing list.

Thank you all for your help.
I'll give it another shot.
I'll also chat with the upstream folks to see if it even makes sense to
continue to package on Fedora when there is a public docker image.

On Mon, Nov 22, 2021, 11:06 AM Carl George pagure@pagure.io wrote:

carlwgeorge added a new comment to an issue you are following:
Sorry to hear that @gil, I hope your situation improves soon. Thanks for
letting us know.

@blaise Please follow the How to Get Sponsored into the Packager Group
documentation. If something isn't clear in there I suggest reaching out in
the #fedora-devel channel on Libera IRC or on the Fedora devel mailing list.

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