#10736 Salvage KOJI build marked for deletion by garbage collector
Closed: Fixed with Explanation 2 years ago by mohanboddu. Opened 2 years ago by mschorm.

I've received this notification:

The following build(s) are unreferenced and have been marked for
deletion. They will be held in the trashcan tag for a grace period.
At the end of that period they will be deleted permanently. This
garbage collection is a normal part of build system operation.
Please see the following url for more information:


Build: community-mysql-8.0.28-1.fc34

Build: community-mysql-8.0.28-1.fc35

If you would like to protect any of these builds from deletion, please
refer to the document linked above for instructions.

I'd like to salvage those two builds and make a BODHI update with them.
I simply forgot to make the BODHI update for them earlier.

i read through the

But I'm not sure which tags should the builds have instead of 'trashcan' and the few I thought might fit I tried were rejected

[ERROR] koji: ActionNotAllowed: tag requires admin permission

So I guess I can't save them myself anyway.

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

2 years ago

Both builds are tagged into respective candidate tags and are untagged from trashcan, you can now able to submit the updates in bodhi.

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed with Explanation
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

Note to future self:
The current tags are:
f34-updates-candidate and f35-updates-candidate

I needed to salvage another batch of builds today.

I can tag them appropriately:

koji tag f35-updates-candidate mariadb-10.5.15-1.fc35
Created task 86357980
Watching tasks (this may be safely interrupted)...
86357980 tagBuild (noarch): free
86357980 tagBuild (noarch): free -> closed
  0 free  0 open  1 done  0 failed

86357980 tagBuild (noarch) completed successfully

However I can't drop the trashcan tag.

koji untag-build trashcan mariadb-10.5.15-1.fc35
2022-04-28 17:14:41,522 [ERROR] koji: ActionNotAllowed: tag requires admin permission

I'm not sure whether I can leave the build with the trashcan tag like that, or if I need to ask relengs to drop the tag every time. @mohanboddu ?

The builds I worked with are:


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Ops Status: Backlog