#10931 Stalled EPEL package: salt
Closed: It's all good 2 years ago by kevin. Opened 2 years ago by rcallicotte.

  • Describe the issue
    salt is a stalled EPEL package.
    Per the EPEL stalled package policy - https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/epel/epel-policy/#stalled_epel_requests - I have contacted the maintainer, twice, and waited the appropriate amount of time.
    I am requesting rcallicotte be given commit permissions so that I might branch and build this package in epel9.

  • When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • When is this no longer needed or useful? (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact?
    Upstream is changing its RPM packaging to include a frozen python virtual environment that is incompatible with the existing RPM ecosystem. Users will not be able to utilize distro-based python modules to augment salt capabilities.

Metadata Update from @zlopez:
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

2 years ago

There are active discussion about this in the Salt Project Core Team, once thought to be resolved but re-opened and planned to discuss on Monday August 1st 2022, would be discussed sooner but am on vacation till Monday.

Please hold off any actions till after Monday's discussion in the Salt Project Core Team, Monday morning (Utah MDT time).

This has been resolved with the package maintainers, who added @rcallicotte. releng has nothing to do here, so this can be closed.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: It's all good
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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