#11362 A week before the scheduled final freeze, retire F38 FailsToInstall packages
Closed: Fixed a year ago by churchyard. Opened a year ago by churchyard.


9) A week before the scheduled beta freeze, any packages which have open FTI bugs in the NEW state for at least 8 weeks with at least 2 reminder comments will be retired from the relevant release and rawhide (in addition to being orphaned).
10) The previous point repeats for the final freeze.

No action is required, I will do this.

With this check:

import bugzilla
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime

TRACKER = 2117177  # F38FailsToInstall
JUDGEMENT_DAY = datetime.fromisoformat("2023-03-28")

bzapi = bugzilla.Bugzilla("bugzilla.redhat.com")
fields = ["component", "creation_time"]
query = bzapi.build_query(product="Fedora", include_fields=fields)
query["blocks"] = TRACKER
query["status"] = "NEW"
query["limit"] = 1000
bugzillas = bzapi.query(query)
assert len(bugzillas) < 1000

def is_reminder(c):
    return (c["creator"].startswith("mhroncok@") and "reminder" in c["text"] or
        c["creator"].startswith("fti-bugs@") and "reminder" in c["text"])

def two_reminders(bug):
    return sum(is_reminder(c) for c in bug.getcomments()) >= 2

retire_ids = []
retire_packages = []

for bug in bugzillas:
    creation_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(bug.creation_time.timetuple()))
    delta = JUDGEMENT_DAY - creation_time
    symbol = "\N{GREEN HEART}"
    if delta.days >= 8 * 7 and two_reminders(bug):
        symbol = "\N{SKULL}"
    print(bug.component, f"{delta.days // 7} weeks", symbol, file=sys.stderr)

    + ",".join(str(b) for b in retire_ids)
print(" ".join(retire_packages))

I determined that the following packages should be orphaned and retired form f38 and rawhide today:

  • golang-github-deislabs-oras
  • golang-github-skynetservices-skydns
  • golang-github-quay-clair-4
  • golang-github-quay-claircore
  • golang-github-multiformats-multihash
  • joni
  • rubygem-morph-cli


Retired in distgit. Waiting for PDC and Koji.

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue tagged with: medium-gain, medium-trouble, ops

a year ago
golang-github-deislabs-oras f38                   dcavalca    [BLOCKED]
golang-github-multiformats-multihash f38                   orphan     [BLOCKED]
golang-github-quay-clair-4 f38                   orphan     [BLOCKED]
golang-github-quay-claircore f38                   orphan     [BLOCKED]
golang-github-skynetservices-skydns f38                   orphan     [BLOCKED]
joni          f38                   orphan     [BLOCKED]
rubygem-morph-cli    f38                   orphan     [BLOCKED]

golang-github-deislabs-oras f39                   dcavalca    [BLOCKED]
golang-github-multiformats-multihash f39                   orphan     [BLOCKED]
golang-github-quay-clair-4 f39                   orphan     [BLOCKED]
golang-github-quay-claircore f39                   orphan     [BLOCKED]
golang-github-skynetservices-skydns f39                   orphan     [BLOCKED]
joni          f39                   orphan     [BLOCKED]
rubygem-morph-cli    f39                   orphan     [BLOCKED]

Metadata Update from @churchyard:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

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Ops Status: Backlog