#11367 'fedpkg container-build' fails with Python TypeError
Closed: Fixed a year ago by rishi. Opened a year ago by rishi.

  • Describe the issue

It's currently impossible to build OCI images because fedpkg container-build runs into a Python TypeError. See:

  • When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD)

Before Fedora 38. The current fedora-toolbox:38 images need to be rebuilt to pull in newer crypto-policies and rpm* packages to address signature-related problems:

  • When is this no longer needed or useful? (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact?
    Fedora 38 will be released with broken fedora-toolbox:38 images with RPM signature problems.

This is the precise bug, which was marked as a Fedora 38 blocker:

... whose fixes we need to pull into the fedora-toolbox:38 image

I bet this is related to updates yesterday... will investigate...

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue tagged with: medium-gain, medium-trouble, ops

a year ago

I bet this is related to updates yesterday... will investigate...

Thanks, @kevin !

So, the problem is koji-containerbuild. I updated it in fedora, but the new version has this issue with our setup. I haven't ever gotten time to figure it out. :(

Perhaps @cverna might know off hand whats going on here?

In the mean time, I just downgraded back to the older koji-containerbuild and it seems to be working:
( I just did a rawhide build of fedora-toolbox, I hope thats ok?)

If that looks ok/finishes we can close this and you can do the f38 and whatever other builds you need.

Longer term we need to fix the newer koji-containerbuild tho. ;(

I just downgraded back to the older koji-containerbuild
and it seems to be working:

Yay, thanks!

( I just did a rawhide build of fedora-toolbox, I hope thats ok?)

Yes, of course.

Looks like the aarch64 build didn't work for Rawhide:

Image build failed. Error in plugin orchestrate_build: {"aarch64": {"general": "b'{\"kind\":\"Status\",\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"metadata\":{},\"status\":\"Failure\",\"message\":\"Get https://osbs-aarch64-node02.iad2.fedoraproject.org:10250/containerLogs/worker/fedora-toolbox-rawhide-342e8-57-build/custom-build?follow=true: dial tcp: lookup osbs-aarch64-node02.iad2.fedoraproject.org on ...

Yeah, looking... but I am confused because that cluster is up and looks ok... ;(

ok. Fixed about 3 other problems on the aarch64 cluster... and finally it finished. ;)

Can you do the other builds and close this if they finish ok?

All good, everything went through.

Thanks for fixing this in record time, @kevin !

Metadata Update from @rishi:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

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