#11450 [f36] move the old trees to archives
Closed: Fixed 11 months ago by jnsamyak. Opened a year ago by jnsamyak.

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The release engineering team sent a mail two weeks before regarding the end of life for f36, now is the time to move the old trees to archives!

Metadata Update from @jnsamyak:
- Issue assigned to jnsamyak

a year ago

Hi folks,

I was trying to do the last steps for 36 eol which is to run the archive script and then once it is done to do the cleanup;

While I sshed into mm-backend01 and became root, I was trying to execute the mm2_move-to-archive script with the following command:

sudo -u mirrormanager mm2_move-to-archive --originalCategory="Fedora Linux" --archiveCategory="Fedora Archive" --directoryRe='/36/Everything'

But it is failing with a weird error which is:

trying to find pub/archive/fedora/linux/updates/testing/36/Everything
Unable to find a directory in [Fedora Archive] for pub/fedora/linux/updates/testing/36/Everything

After digging deeper into past issues and checking if things exist in place (and it did). I came across this issue which talks about updating the fullfiletimelist-archive (list exist on path /srv/pub/archive/fullfiletimelist-archive) but how to update it there is no command or document to be found; if someone knows how we can update the file in order to unblock the above error it will be great.

From the history, this command was pointed out to run from the mm-backend01 machine with mirrormanager as a user but the binary doesn't exist now

/usr/local/bin/update-fullfiletimelist -l /pub/fedora-archive/update-fullfiletimelist.lock -t /pub archive

CC: @adrian @kevin

Metadata Update from @jnsamyak:
- Issue untagged with: low-trouble
- Issue tagged with: medium-trouble

a year ago

You are right, you have to update the fullfiletimelist-archive. Although that is not done on mm-backend01. That happens somewhere else (never done that myself).

What happens in the background is this: MirrorManager can only move something to the archive if it already exists on the filesystem and if the filesystem changes have been updated in the database. To reduce I/O by not reading all the files MirrorManager uses fullfiletimelist-*. If something does not exist in that file it doesn't exist for MirrorManager.

So before moving releases in MirrorManager to the archive it needs to be on the disk and fullfiletimelist-* has to be updated. MirrorManager does look for changes in fullfiletimelist-archive only once a week, so even if fullfiletimelist-archive is updated it still will take some time to appear in the database.

Basically this needs to be done on a machine that has the archive volume mounted read-write (ie, where you did the rsync to sync to archives).

You can see the command in the rawhide cron and modify it for archive:

sudo -u ftpsync /usr/local/bin/update-fullfiletimelist -l /pub/fedora-secondary/update-fullfiletimelist.lock -t /pub fedora-archive

That should update it. ;)

Thanks, @adrian and @kevin for your help, I'll try it out and post my finding here as well (will need to update sops for this as well).

Thanks, folks for your help, f36 was successfully archived and cleaned up from the respective places as per the sop[1]

[1] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/infra/release_guide/release_eol/#_end_of_life

Metadata Update from @jnsamyak:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

11 months ago

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