#11657 Fedora Media Writer 5.0.8 released
Closed: Fixed 8 months ago by humaton. Opened 9 months ago by jgrulich.

Describe the issue
A new Fedora Media Writer has been released. I would like to ask for official Windows and MacOS builds.

FYI: I have updated the script (libraries) for the windows builds and it is now based on Fedora 39. I hope it's not going to be a problem, but using Toolbox with F39 container might be a solution if you are not running F39 yet. The mingw-mediawriter packages are built and submitted to Bodhi.

Thank you.

CC: @humaton @kevin

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue tagged with: medium-gain, medium-trouble, ops

9 months ago

Hi @jgrulich,

Our code signing certificate expired a few days back. There was a regulatory change in the way certs and keys are supposed to be stored, which means we do not have the means to sign the binaries right now.

We are working on a new signing solution right now. I will get back to you once we are ready to sign the executables again.

Hi @jgrulich,

Our code signing certificate expired a few days back. There was a regulatory change in the way certs and keys are supposed to be stored, which means we do not have the means to sign the binaries right now.

We are working on a new signing solution right now. I will get back to you once we are ready to sign the executables again.

That's unfortunate. Do you think you will have the new certificate before F39 gets released?

I would hope we would have something soon, definitely before f39.

Okay so we will not make this for f39 here is an upstream ticket opened to track work on the new signing process. https://github.com/FedoraQt/MediaWriter/issues/641

We need a release notes entry on this. something like:" FMW will not include latest fedora editions on Windows."

Metadata Update from @humaton:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

8 months ago

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